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Northwestern Climb Beans SOND Crop Cultivar -- Kc

SOND NW Climb Beans

The Maproom explores historical daily water balance during the SOND Bush Beans season in the Northwest by calculating simple seasonal statistics.

The water balance algorithm is described in the IRI DL Function Documentation. For the 35 years of daily precipitation, minimum and maximum temperature available, the water balance is run continuously for a standard planting date of September 1st. Kc is also invariant and a visualization of it in days since planting is provided.

Many options can be specified to produce yearly time series of a chosen seasonal diagnostic of the daily water blance data. The user can then choose to map the mean, standard deviation or probability of exceeding a chosen threshold, over years; clicking on the map will then produce a local yearly time series of the chosen diagnostic.


Years and Season: Specify the range of years over which to perform the analysis and choose the start and end dates of the season , over which the diagnostics are to be performed.
Water Stressed Day Definition: This defines the ratio of Reduced ET Crop with ET crop below which (non inclusive) a day is considered to be a water stressed day.

Seasonal daily statistcis: Choose the seasonal diagnostic quantity (i.e the statistic of the daily data) to be computed for each season, from the following choices.
Soil Moisture: average soil moisture (in mm/day) over the season.
Reduced Crop ET: average Reduced Crop ET during the season.
Effective Precipitation: the average effective precipitation over the season.
WRSI: Water Requirement Satisfaction Index is defined as the ratio of the sum through days of reduced ET crop and the sum through days of ET crop, over the season.
Water Stress: the number of water stressed days during the season according to the definitions in the Options section.
Percent Available Water: PAW is defined as the percentage of available water, ie the ratio of soil moisture with total available water.
Water Excess: the number of days when PAW is 100%.

Yearly seasonal statistics: a choice of yearly statistics over the chosen season of the selected range of years to produce the map among: the mean, the standard deviation and the probability of exceeding a user specified threshold.

Dataset Documentation

Daily precipitation, minimum and maximum temperature: ENACTS

Total Available Water: Rwanda Agircultural Bureau soils


Contact Meteo Rwanda with any technical questions or problems with this Map Room.