I am using daily data. How do I create a dataset of only one day out of the calendar year?

Let's use the NOAA/NCDC/DAILY/FSOD precpitation data for July 4 in New York City as an example.

Start with example precip data. To create a dataset comprised of data from a single day...

  1. Click on the "Expert Mode" link at the top of the page. Check Step
  2. Underneath the text already in the text box, enter the following line
    T (4 jul) VALUES
    Click on "OK". You now have a dataset of daily precipitation data for New York City on July 4.

To create a dataset comprised of data from a range of days (e.g., July 4 - July 7).

  1. If you followed the steps above, deselect the 4 July data by removing the text and clicking "OK" or by clicking on the "precipitation" link in the source bar.

    Otherwise, click on the "Expert Mode" link at the top of the page. Check Step

  2. Underneath the text already in the text box, enter the following line:
    T (4-7 Jul) RANGE
    Click on "OK". You now have a dataset of daily precipitation data for New York City on July 4.
  3. If you want to limit this same dataset to a specific range of years (e.g., 1965-1990), then type the following line instead of that in Step 2:
    T (4-7 Jul 1965-1990) RANGE

More information about selecting data from specific time periods can be found in Part II of the Data Library Tutorial.