How do I select data that is within a particular range of values?

The ECOSYSTEMS dataset contains vegetative index data. Let's use this as an example by only displaying indices representative of grassland vegetation.

This example begins with the dataset and variable already selected. If you would like to learn more about how to find datasets in the Data Library, please refer to Part I of the Data Library Tutorial.

Click here to start example.

  1. Enter expert mode by selecting the Expert Mode link in the Function Bar. Check Step
  2. Note in the key that index values from 23 to 28 represent grassland vegetation.
  3. Select data with these values by entering the following text below the text that is already there. Then click "OK".
    23 28 masknotrange
    Check Step
  4. Select one of the graphics icons in the function bar - the icon with color data representation and the coasts outlined will produce the nicest image for these data. Check Step

Note the range is inclusive (i.e., the values of 23 and 28 are included in the range). This example can be applied to other data types as well. For more information about other masking functions, see Part III of the Data Library Tutorial.

--Michael Bell / Emily Grover