Attributes { X { String long_name "Longitude"; Float32 pointwidth 1.0; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "km"; } Y { String long_name "Latitude"; Float32 pointwidth 1.0; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "km"; } X_01 { String long_name "Longitude"; Float32 pointwidth 1.0; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "km"; } Y_01 { String long_name "Latitude"; Float32 pointwidth 1.0; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "km"; } coarse_frag_cont { String units "percent"; String long_name "Coarse fragments content"; String description "Coarse fragments content (v\%) of the whole earth, aggregated over the Effective Root Zone Depth for Maize"; String SpatialReferenceSystemDims "X", "Y"; Int32 missing_value 255; Float32 scale_min 0.0; Float32 scale_max 100.0; Int32 CE 100; Int32 CS 0; } moist_cont_sat { String units "percent"; String long_name "Moisture content of the fine earth - saturation"; String description "Moisture content (v\%) of the fine earth at saturation, aggregated over the Effective Root Zone Depth for Maize"; String SpatialReferenceSystemDims "X", "Y"; Int32 missing_value 255; Float32 scale_min 0.0; Float32 scale_max 100.0; Int32 CE 100; Int32 CS 0; } moist_cont_wilt { String units "percent"; String long_name "Moisture content of the fine earth - wilting point"; String description "Moisture content (v\%) of the fine earth at permanent wilting point, aggregated over the Effective Root Zone Depth for Maize, with PWP defined at pF 4.2"; String SpatialReferenceSystemDims "X", "Y"; Int32 missing_value 255; Float32 scale_min 0.0; Float32 scale_max 100.0; Int32 CE 100; Int32 CS 0; } root_zone { String units "cm"; String long_name "Effective Root Zone Depth"; String description "Effective Root Zone Depth (cm) for Maize"; String SpatialReferenceSystemDims "X", "Y"; Int32 missing_value 255; } soil_qual { String units "ids"; String long_name "Soil quality"; String description "Factor (soil quality) limiting Effective Root Zone Depth for Maize"; String SpatialReferenceSystemDims "X", "Y"; Int32 missing_value 255; String CLIST "CRFVOL", "tetaS", "BLD.f", "SNDPPT", "CLY.d", "SND.d", "PHIHOX.L", "PHIHOX.H", "ECN", "ENA.f", "ENA", "EACKCL.f", "EACKCL", "CRB", "GYP", "DRAINFAO", "BDRICM", "ERMAIZE"; String CLISTdesc "Foothold (Coarse Fragments)", "Porosity (TetaS)", "Porosity (bulk density)", "Excessive sand content", "Abrupt change of clay content", "Abrupt change of sand content", "Acidity (pH low)", "Alkalinity (pH high)", "Electric conductivity", "Sodicity (ESP; exch Na+ / CEC)", "Sodicity (exchangeable Na+)", "Toxicity (exch. acidity saturation; Al3+&H+/eCEC)", "Toxicity (exchangeable acidity; Al3+&H+)", "Not included", "Not included", "Drainage", "Depth to bedrock", "Maximum root depth maize"; Int32 scale_max 18; Int32 scale_min 1; } Textural_Class{ text_class { String units "ids"; String long_name "Textural class of the fine earth"; String description "Textural class (USDA) of the fine earth, aggregated over the Effective Root Zone Depth for Maize"; String SpatialReferenceSystemDims "X", "Y"; Int32 missing_value 255; String CLIST "Cl", "SiCl", "SaCl", "ClLo", "SiClLo", "SaClLo", "Lo", "SiLo", "SaLo", "Si", "LoSa", "Sa"; Int32 scale_max 12; Int32 scale_min 1; } } wat_cap_abs { String units "mm"; String long_name "Absolute total available water"; String description "Absolute total available water capacity (mm), aggregated over the Effective Root Zone Depth for Maize"; String SpatialReferenceSystemDims "X", "Y"; Int32 missing_value 255; } wat_cap_fine { String units "percent"; String long_name "Available water capacity - fine earth"; String description "Available water capacity (percent water by volume, v\%) of the fine earth, aggregated over the Effective Root Zone Depth for Maize, with field capacity defined at pF 2.3"; String SpatialReferenceSystemDims "X", "Y"; Int32 missing_value 255; Float32 scale_min 0.0; Float32 scale_max 100.0; Int32 CE 100; Int32 CS 0; } wat_cap_whole { String units "percent"; String long_name "Total available water - fine earth and coarse fragments"; String description "Total available water capacity (v\%) of the whole earth (incl. both fine earth and coarse fragments), aggregated over the Effective Root Zone Depth for Maize, with field capacity defined at pF 2.3"; String SpatialReferenceSystemDims "X", "Y"; Int32 missing_value 255; Float32 scale_min 0.0; Float32 scale_max 100.0; Int32 CE 100; Int32 CS 0; } NC_GLOBAL { String Conventions "IRIDL"; } }