Variable Grids

Error 404Bad Request

Error 404: Bad Request

Error line: 81 anhtmlserverefize 64000000 def store Error on line 0 of stdin: in forall, first arg must be array
BLD -operator-
BLD { getmissing_value? not { null } if }
BLD { arraylevel 1 sub /arraylevel STREAM ! }
BLD { history null ne { history dup elementtype /arraytype eq { aload length 1 add dup 1 add -1 roll exch } { exch 2 } ifelse array astore } if /history exch def }
BLD { array astore [ exch { history null eq fullname null eq or { pop } if } forall ] dup length 0 eq { pop null } { dup 0 get .history true 2 index { .history 2 index stringarrayeq and } forall { pop 0 get sealhistory .history } { pop [ exch { longname history 2 array astore exch pop } forall ] } ifelse } ifelse }
BLD 0.0
BLD { history null ne { history elementtype /arraytype eq { history dup length 1 sub get elementtype /arraytype ne { /history [ 0 history { dup type /arraytype ne { exch 1 add } { exch pop 0 } ifelse } forall dup 0 eq { pop } { array astore longname exch } ifelse ] def } if } if } if }
BLD null
BLD ({[()
BLD { 1 index 2 add copy pop array astore true exch { safeifGRID nip and } forall { pop { pop } repeat null } { combinefullname } ifelse }
BLD /==alias
BLD { currentobject /scale_factor getknown }
BLD { dup elementtype /arraytype eq { dup length 2 eq { dup 1 get type /arraytype eq { space exch aload length 1 add space exch { dolongname0 exch dolongname0 exch space exch append append } repeat } { dolongnamearray } ifelse } { dolongnamearray } ifelse } { cvx s== } ifelse }
BLD { arraylevel 1 add /arraylevel STREAM ! }
BLD { currentobject /add_offset getknown }
BLD { currentobject /missing_value getknownnotnull }
BLD { dup elementtype /arraytype eq { dup length 0 gt { aload length 1 sub { dolongname0 exch dolongname0 exch space exch append append } repeat dolongname } { pop } ifelse } { cvx s== } ifelse }
BLD unitless
BLD { currentobject /dataset known { dataset null eq { null } { dataset dup type /arraytype eq { pop null } { history nip } ifelse } ifelse } { null } ifelse }
BLD null
BLD { rights arraylevel rights length mod 1 getinterval }
BLD { dup /long_name known { fullname type /arraytype eq { fullname dup length 1 sub get name eq { 1 object /fullname [ fullname maybealoadpop pop long_name ] def } if } if } if tofullname }
BLD { lefts arraylevel lefts length mod 1 getinterval }
BLD (}]))
BLD { getadd_offset? { 0.0 eq { /add_offset undef } if } if getscale_factor? { 1.0 eq { /scale_factor undef } if } if currentobject /missing_value getknown { null eq { /missing_value undef } if } if currentobject /units known { units timeunits? nip { currentobject /calendar known not { get_calendar /calendar exch def } if currentobject /modulus known not { get_modulus dup null eq { pop } { /modulus exch def } ifelse } if currentobject /modulus known { /modulo modulus def } if } if } if }
BLD { currentobject /missing_value knownnotnull }
BLD { getscale_factor? not { 1.0 } { exec dup type /stringtype eq { interp } if } ifelse }
BLD { fullname dolongname }
BLD 1.0
BLD { getadd_offset? not { 0.0 } { exec dup type /stringtype eq { interp } if } ifelse }
BLD { dup type /arraytype eq { 1 index type /arraytype eq { 1 index length 1 index length eq { true 0 1 3 index length 1 sub { 3 index 1 index get 3 index 2 index get stringarrayeq nip and } for nip nip } { pop pop false } ifelse } { pop pop false } ifelse } { eq } ifelse }
BLD { pusharraylevel getleft exch aload length 1 add getright exch { dolongname0 exch dolongname0 exch space exch append append } repeat poparraylevel }
BLD { -1 (,) combinefullname }
BLD (1PG13.6)
BLD { 2 combinehistory }
BLD { ndim 1 eq { dup /buffer get GRIDParent /buffer get eq } { false } ifelse }
BLD { realorintegertype? not { 0.0 } if 1 index totype /gridtype ne { T exch } if 3 /monthlyAverage publicproc: 2 array astore cvx newmonthlyAverageFS 1 object exch /filterargs exch def datasetexec :publicproc }
BLD { rootmeansqanomover }
BLD { { complementgridarray /rootmeansqanom0 (root mean sq anom) apply1get12scr } /rootmeansqover gridarray1fn }
BLD { 5 /seasonalnonoverlapWSfreq publicproc: { mystream monrange wslength thold minfrac } inputs mystream a: dataflag T monthlyAverage minfrac masklt T monrange 1.0 seasonalAverage :a: -999 replaceNaN thold flaggt [ T ] integral dup T wslength shiftGRID [ T ] regridLB sub wslength wslength flagrange [ T ] differences 1 1 flagrange T sums T (0000 1) VALUES [ T ] differences T (months since 1960-01-01) streamgridunitconvert T monrange 1.0 seasonalAverage monrange (-) search { nip pop } if 0 3 getinterval interp monrange (-) search { nip nip } if 0 3 getinterval interp sub dup 0 ge { 1 add } { 1 add 12 add } ifelse mul :a mul :publicproc nip }
BLD { dup { pop } { realize pop } foralldatasets2 }
BLD { 1 /STEP0 /STEP allstreams1 }
BLD { 3 index totype /arraytype ne { [ 4 index { pop } { } foralldatasets2 ] 4 1 roll } if 5 1 roll { mydataset variablesproc spatialgrids timegrids } inputs mydataset totype /streamtype eq { mydataset decompress /mydataset exch def } if /gappy-data? gappy-data? def /spatial-mean? spatial-mean? def /temporal-mean? temporal-mean? def nip /mixedarray currentobject /variablesproc get xcheck { mydataset dup totype /streamtype eq { [ exch variablesproc ] } { [ variablesproc ] nip } ifelse } { variablesproc } ifelse def /weights [ mixedarray { timegrids 0 get gridnobyname 0 gt { pop } if } forall ] def /variablesarray [ mixedarray { timegrids 0 get gridnobyname 0 eq { pop } if } forall ] def weights length variablesarray length 1 add eq { weights 0 1 index length 1 sub getinterval { weights dup length 1 sub get mul } forall weights 0 1 index length 1 sub getinterval astore } if variablesarray length 1 gt { (Sorry, svd is not yet ready for multiple variables. Let Benno) print ( know that you are interested, and you can test it when it is ready. ) print error } if /repeatgrids [ variablesarray 0 get spatialgrids aload pop timegrids aload length spatialgrids length add REORDER0 .achunk pop ] def 1 spatialgrids { .npts mul } forall 1 timegrids { .npts mul } forall le { /rgrids spatialgrids def /avgrids timegrids def } { /rgrids timegrids def /avgrids spatialgrids def } ifelse variablesarray 0 get ndim rgrids { gridno imin } forall 1 sub dup 0 gt { RECHUNK .chunk array astore /avchunkgrids exch def } { pop pop /avchunkgrids [ ] def } ifelse /avchunkcheck null 5 object avchunkgrids { name exch def } forall repeatgrids { .name undef } forall def [ avchunkgrids { avchunkcheck 1 index .name known not { pop } if } forall ] /avchunkgrids exch def /avachunkgrids [ avgrids { avchunkcheck name known { pop } if } forall ] def variablesarray 0 get weights length 0 gt { weights 0 get 0 max /valid_min 0 def sqrt mul 1100021758 set_code_last_modified } if avchunkgrids aload pop rgrids aload pop avachunkgrids aload pop avgrids length rgrids length add REORDER0 avchunkgrids length rgrids length add RECHUNK toNaN 1 avchunkgrids { .npts mul } forall 1 rgrids { .npts mul } forall 1 avgrids { .npts mul } forall 2 index idiv 1 4 integerarray astore missing_value null eq { covarnonan0 STREAM TaskParameterBlock 1 get dup 1 add mul 2 div NewIntegerBuffer pop STREAM 11 object /name /cov def /fullname [ /cov variablesarray 0 get .fullname dup type /arraytype ne { 1 array astore } if ] def /units variablesarray 0 get .units dup unitmul def /ISYMM dup TaskParameterBlock 1 get dup 1 add mul 2 div NewIntegerGRID def ISYMM .npts NewDoubleBuffer 1 SetStreamIndex* ISYMM avachunkgrids aload pop repeatgrids aload pop * avachunkgrids { last VALUE } forall avachunkgrids { removeGRID0 } forall /symmetricStorageMode compression: /symmetricchunk rgrids def :compression } { svdcovarcomp0 } ifelse DATASET 11 object /name /svd cvx def variablesarray 0 get /last_modified getknown { /last_modified exch def } if exch eigrs_and_vartot name 4 index ! nrdim 1 sub RECHUNK decompress ev .npts BufferOrder ev low high RANGE name 3 index ! /units TaskStreams 0 get .units def ev low high RANGE name exch def /fullname [ name variablesarray 0 get .fullname ] def rgrids { name exch def } forall avgrids { name exch def } forall eval .ev name exch def }
BLD { mark ingridcachedir 2 index .allnames counttomark namearray astore nip cvnatofilename }
BLD { (wcs) xmlprint }
BLD { (figviewer) htmlprint }
BLD { CS }
BLD { dup type /objecttype eq { allmyname /SELECT ne { 11 object proclevel 0 get 1 eq { /dataset currentobject parent def } if } if ifSTREAM { ifGRID { dup allgrid anyknowngrid { dup allargs aload pop allroutine } if } { dup allgrid anyknowngrid { dup allgridget allargs aload pop allroutine } { decompress dup allgrid anyknowngrid { dup allgridget allargs aload pop allroutine } if } ifelse } ifelse } { doallstreams } ifelse dup null ne { allmyname /SELECT ne { proclevel 0 get 1 eq { allgrid totype /datasettype eq { /dataset [ dataset allgrid ] def } if /myproc [ allgrid dup totype /datasettype eq { pop } if allargs aload pop allmyname cvx ] def /myprocds 1 index def sealobject } if } if } if } { pop pop } ifelse }
BLD { dup { pop } { realizenew pop } foralldatasets2 }
BLD { 3 /WCT: publicproc: wctparams wctS new 100000 store d 111 store fN 16 store gN 0.1 store x 0.182 store r 600 store mu 1.229 store alphaexp 0.4 store betaexp 0.0 store C 36.5 store fu 9.8999996 store gu 1.26 store nu 0.4 store h 1.0 store k 0.4 store v }
BLD FilterSet /streamtype { exch decompress exch 1 index /T known { getmissing_value null eq { pop monthlyAverage0 } { exch dup 0 replaceNaN monthlyAverage0 exch dataflag monthlyAverage0 3 -1 roll normalize } ifelse } { pop } ifelse } def /gridtype { pop name /T eq { monthlyedgesgrid partialgrid monthtimegrid } if } def
BLD { 3 /RANGESTEP0 /RANGESTEP allstreams1 }
BLD { { /rootmeansq0 (root mean sq) apply1get1 } /rootmeansq gridarray1fn }
BLD { null 3 1 roll /dodefasvarsilentnoreuse cvx 4 array astore cvx dup 0 currentobject put dup 1 get exch pdef }
BLD FilterSet /streamtype { 3 -1 roll decompress 3 1 roll 2 index 2 index .name getknown { exec 3 -1 roll pop exch 2 index .getmissing_value null eq { pop dailyAverage0 } { 3 1 roll 1 index 0 replaceNaN 1 index dailyAverage0 3 1 roll exch dataflag exch dailyAverage0 3 -1 roll normalize } ifelse } { pop pop } ifelse } def /gridtype { pop 1 index .name 1 index .name eq { pop dailyedgesgrid partialgrid } { pop } ifelse } def
BLD { 1 copy type /arraytype eq { 2 /stddev publicproc: 2 copy rmsaover } { 3 /stddev publicproc: 3 copy rmsaover exch pop } ifelse 3 2 roll dataflag 3 -1 roll sum dup 1.0 sub div sqrt mul :publicproc }
BLD FilterSet /streamtype { boxAveragedoarg 1 index boxgrids allknown { /boxgrids 2 index [ boxgrids { currentobject exch get } forall ] nip def 0 1 boxgrids length 1 sub { boxgrids 1 index get exch boxargs exch get ChangeGridStep name exch def } for exch boxgrids 1 index totype /gridtype eq { 1 index 1 index 0 get eq { pop .name exec } { pop } ifelse } { exch decompress exch boxargs dup length 1 sub get regridAverage } ifelse nip } { pop } ifelse } def /gridtype { boxAveragedoarg 1 index .name boxgrids anymatch { 0 1 boxgrids length 1 sub { boxgrids 1 index get name eq { boxargs exch get nip ChangeGridStep leave } { pop } ifelse } for } { pop } ifelse } def
BLD { /evaln eval vartot div /name /evaln def /long_name (normalized eigenvalues) def def /sv eval sqrt /name /sv cvx def /long_name (singular values) def /units variablesarray 0 get .units def def evec rgrids timegrids eq { missing_value null eq { sv div /missing_value null def } { sv div } ifelse } { rgrids aload length REORDER0 CopyStream } ifelse variablesarray 0 get weights length 0 gt { weights 0 get 0 max /valid_min 0 def sqrt mul } if avchunkgrids aload pop rgrids aload pop avachunkgrids aload pop avgrids length rgrids length add REORDER0 avchunkgrids length rgrids length add RECHUNK toNaN exch rgrids mulavg DATAAUTO rgrids timegrids eq { weights length 0 gt { weights 0 get 0 max /valid_min 0 def sqrt div } if /name /Ss cvx def /long_name (structures) def correlationcolorscale DATA -4 4 RANGE name exch def /Ts evec sv mul /long_name (time series) def /name /Ts cvx def def } { /name /Ts cvx def /long_name (time series) def name exch def /Ts Ts streamgridarray { name /ev eq { pop } if } forall Ts .ndim 1 sub REORDER def /Ss evec weights length 0 gt { weights 0 get 0 max /valid_min 0 def sqrt div } { CopyStream } ifelse /name /Ss cvx def /long_name (structures) def correlationcolorscale DATA -4 4 RANGE def } ifelse weights length 0 gt { /W weights 0 get 0 max /valid_min 0 def /name /W def /long_name (weights) def def } if /eval undef /evec undef nip }
BLD { array? { 0 } if 1 index totype /streamtype eq { 0 } if 2 index .array? { 5 /mulavg publicproc: } { 4 /mulavg publicproc: [ ] exch } ifelse { strm1 strm2 grids renamegrids minper } inputs strm1 mayberechunkmulavg strm2 mayberechunkmulavg 2xtoNaN8 2 setcommongrids 1 index .npts 1 index .npts ge { reordertomatch } { exch reordertomatch exch } ifelse grids chunkpattern dup 3 1 index 2 get minper mul round cvi put 2 index .missing_value null eq 2 index .missing_value null eq and { 1 index .datatype /realarraytype eq { mulavg0g } { mulavg1g } ifelse STREAM TaskParameterBlock 1 get NewIntegerBuffer pop TaskStreams 0 get dup TaskStreams 1 get grids binarysetSIRecord chunksize NewDoubleBuffer } { 1 index .datatype /realarraytype eq { mulavg0MVg } { mulavg0MVdpg } ifelse STREAM TaskParameterBlock 1 get NewIntegerBuffer pop TaskStreams 0 get dup TaskStreams 1 get grids binarysetSIRecord chunksize NewIntegerBuffer pop TaskStreams 0 get dup TaskStreams 1 get grids binarysetSIRecord chunksize NewDoubleBuffer } ifelse grids { 2 copy gridnobyname nip 0 eq { .name undef } { last VALUE } ifelse } forall grids { 2 copy gridnobyname nip 0 eq { pop } { removeGRID0 } ifelse } forall /units strm1 .units strm2 .units unitmul preferredunitname def renamegrids length 0 gt { 0 1 renamegrids length 1 sub { renamegrids 1 index get exch grids exch get .name renameGRID } for } if 1output :publicproc }
BLD { foralldatasetsCase 5 object exch dup null eq { pop } { /streamtype0 exch def } ifelse exch dup null eq { pop } { /datasettype0 exch def } ifelse /arraytype { pop } def /pendingdatasettype currentobject /arraytype get def /myCases 1 index def /==alias /myCases cvx def mycasedefs 1 object /myCases 3 -1 roll def begin startdataset mycaseexec enddataset end }
BLD { 3 /seastotAvgFill publicproc: { mystream monrange minfrac } inputs mystream T minfrac monthlyAverage a: T (days since 1960-01-01) streamgridunitconvert T differential_mul T :a: .T :a replaceGRID T monrange 1.0 seasonalAverage monrange (-) search { nip pop } if 0 3 getinterval interp monrange (-) search { nip nip } if 0 3 getinterval interp sub dup 0 ge { 1 add } { 1 add 12 add } ifelse mul :publicproc nip }
BLD { dup { pop } { rerealize pop } foralldatasets2 }
BLD { streamdefCases 1 index totype get exec }
BLD { 5 /seasonalnonoverlapDSfreq publicproc: { mystream monrange dslength thold minfrac } inputs mystream a: dataflag T monthlyAverage minfrac masklt T monrange 1.0 seasonalAverage :a: -999 replaceNaN 0 thold flagrange [ T ] integral dup T dslength shiftGRID [ T ] regridLB sub dslength dslength flagrange [ T ] differences 1 1 flagrange T sums T (0000 1) VALUES [ T ] differences T (months since 1960-01-01) streamgridunitconvert T monrange 1.0 seasonalAverage monrange (-) search { nip pop } if 0 3 getinterval interp monrange (-) search { nip nip } if 0 3 getinterval interp sub dup 0 ge { 1 add } { 1 add 12 add } ifelse mul :a mul :publicproc nip }
BLD { 10 /onsetDate publicproc: { myprcp Tgrid earlyStart searchDays rainyDay runningDays runningTotal minRainyDays dryDays drySpell } inputs searchDays runningDays lt { (searchDays must be greater or equal than runningDays) leavemessage 1output } if drySpell dryDays lt drySpell ne 0 and { (drySpell must be greater or equal than dryDays, please go back) leavemessage 1output } if myprcp Tgrid 1 index Tgrid earlyStart VALUES Tgrid .name get .gridvalues { searchDays drySpell add { dup 1 add dup last gt { pop } if } repeat } forall VALUES dup dup Tgrid .name get npts /I exch NewIntegerGRID replaceGRID I searchDays drySpell add 1 add splitstreamgrid I /gridtype 0 def pop dup I runningDays 2.0 div cvi -1 mul shiftGRID I first dup runningDays 2.0 div cvi 1 sub add RANGE 0 mul exch 2 { exch [ I ] REORDER } repeat appendstream dup I runningDays 2.0 div cvi shiftGRID I last dup runningDays 2.0 div cvi 1 sub sub exch RANGE 0 mul appendstream dup rainyDay flaggt dup 3 -2 roll I runningDays runningAverage runningDays mul minRainyDays flagge exch I runningDays runningAverage runningDays mul runningTotal flagge mul drySpell 0 ne { 1 index I dryDays runningAverage 0 flaggt I runningDays 2.0 div dryDays 2.0 div add 1 1 index drySpell dryDays sub 1.0 add 1.0 sub add shiftdatashort [ I_lag ] average 1 flagge mul } if runningDays 2 mod 0 eq { 1 index I 0.5 shiftGRID exch [ I ] regridLB nip } { [ I ] regridLB } ifelse I runningDays 1.0 sub 2.0 div dup -1.0 mul exch 1 exch shiftdatashort [ I_lag ] sum 0 flaggt mul 1 masklt 1 index Tgrid .name get 0.0 add /name /datesample def dup Tgrid .name get npts /I exch NewIntegerGRID replaceGRID I searchDays drySpell add 1 add splitstreamgrid I /gridtype 0 def pop exch mul [ I ] minover I2 3 -1 roll T earlyStart VALUES Tgrid .name get 2 array astore { npts } forall 3 -1 roll ne { first secondtolast subgrid } if replaceGRID /pointwidth 1 def /long_name (Onset Date) def /fullname [ /onsetDate myprcp .fullname ] def 1output :publicproc }
BLD { 2 array astore cvx defasvarcachesilent }
BLD { /svdview.html { (svdview) htmlprint } def Ss .npts 12500000 gt { /LargeCalculation dataareIRIonlyPassword } if [ currentobject /W getknown pop vartot sv evaln Ss Ts ] { /dataset 2 index def /myproc undef /fullname [ dataset .fullname name ] def dataset /last_modified getknown { /last_modified exch def } if Ss .npts 12500000 gt { /LargeCalculation dataareIRIonlyPassword } if name exch def } forall }
BLD { nip { streamN mytsgrid px w1 params } inputs w1 params .ft params .w2 params .flat params .att params .ford butt_design streamN px -1 eq not { dup 1.0 w1 div round 1 index mytsgrid .name get step 3 -1 roll mul px 0 eq { pad0 } if px 1 eq { pad1 } if px 2 eq { pad2 } if } if ycoeffs -1.0 mul dup coeffs high low RANGE coeffs 2 index .coeffs replaceGRID xcoeffs gain div 3 { 3 -1 roll 3 index mytsgrid .name get /Ide unitmatrix mytsgrid .name cvntos (_out) 2 array astore concat interp fordvalue -1.0 mul 1 index .step dup 3 -2 roll mul exch 0 shiftdatashort mytsgrid .name cvntos (_out_lag) 2 array astore concat interp coeffs replaceGRID [ coeffs ] mulsum } repeat c: 1.0 :c 4 index mytsgrid .name get beginLoop 0.9 mul endLoop dup dup mytsgrid .name get /myT2 renameGRID .myT2 beginLoop 0.9 div endLoop 1.1 maskge dup dup mytsgrid .name get high low RANGE dup mytsgrid .name get 2 index mytsgrid .name get replaceGRID myT2 high low RANGE myT2 2 index .myT2 replaceGRID replaceNaN dup mytsgrid .name get 1 array astore [ myT2 ] svd a: .Ss :a: .Ts :a: .sv :a sqrt div [ ev ] mulsum 4 -2 roll 2 { exch 2 index dup mytsgrid .name get 1 array astore mulsum myT2 2 index mytsgrid .name cvlit nip renameGRID mytsgrid .name cvntos (_out) 2 array astore concat interp 1 array astore 1 index mytsgrid .name get 1 array astore ginverse } repeat exch 2 index dup mytsgrid .name get 1 array astore mulsum 3 index mytsgrid .name cvntos (_out) 2 array astore concat interp 1 array astore mulsum myT2 /myT3 renameGRID 3 -1 roll dup mytsgrid .name get 1 array astore mulsum myT2 2 index mytsgrid .name cvlit nip renameGRID dup mytsgrid .name get 1 array astore mulsum mytsgrid .name cvntos (_out) 2 array astore concat interp 1 array astore mulsum myT3 0 add myT3 a: .first :a: .first step fordvalue wcvalue div mul add :a maskrange 0 mul add dup dup mytsgrid .name get high low RANGE dup mytsgrid .name get 2 index mytsgrid .name get replaceGRID myT3 high low RANGE myT3 2 index .myT3 replaceGRID replaceNaN dup mytsgrid .name get 1 array astore mulsum myT3 2 index mytsgrid .name cvlit nip renameGRID px -1 eq not { dup mytsgrid .name get 3 -1 roll mytsgrid .name get a: .first :a: .last :a RANGEEDGES } if /name (butt) def /long_name (butterworth) def /fullname [ /butt streamN .fullname ] def /butt add_variable exch /procargs [ procargs aload pop params .ft /filterType cvx params .w2 /freqCut2 cvx params .flat /flatness cvx params .att /attenuation cvx params .ford /forder cvx /:butt_filter cvx ] store exch 1output :publicproc }
BLD { fullnamegen }
BLD { 6 /Water_Balance: publicproc: WBparams WBS new 0.3 store initp 0.5 store rho 1 store InitKc 25 store InitD 1 store VegKc 25 store VegD 1 store MidKc 25 store MidD 1 store LateKc 25 store LateD 1 store EndKc 1 store PlDd (Jan) store PlDm (Unknown) store Crop }
BLD { counttoobject /RANGESPAN0 /RANGESPAN allstreams1 }
BLD { 2 index totype /arraytype eq { 3 index 3 index 2 { 3 index [ exch { .name } forall ] } repeat 4 /svd: publicproc: pop pop pop pop } { 2 index 2 { 2 index [ exch { .name } forall ] } repeat 3 /svd: publicproc: pop pop pop } ifelse svdparams /gappy-data? false def /spatial-mean? false def /temporal-mean? false def }
BLD { (downloadsICASA) htmlprint }
BLD { dataset /last_modified known { /last_modified dataset .last_modified def } if dataset /expires known { /expires dataset .expires def } if inheritdatarestrictions }
BLD { cptv10_sub DoTasks stop }
BLD { cvlit { mygrid myproc } inputs myproc 0 get dup type /stringtype eq { (%) search { nip nip (/) rsearch { pop pop } if } if /myfixedfile exch def } { pop /myfixedfile null def } ifelse /mycachefile currentdefiningdatasetcachevardirname dup null eq { pop pop } { (/) mygrid .name cvntos (.gridinfo) 4array astore concat def } ifelse /mycachefile? 1 index /mycachefile known def myfixedfile dup null eq exch fileexists? or { mycachefile? { systemtime mycachefile filelast_modified sub dup 3600 lt exch 1 gt and last_modified mycachefile filelast_modified lt and } { false } ifelse { mygrid mycachefile readfile dup /expires known { expires systemtime lt mycachefile filelast_modified dup expires lt exch 1800 add systemtime lt or and { pop false } { true } ifelse } { true } ifelse } { false } ifelse not { mygrid myproc cvx removeextrausing0 mycachefile? { mycachefile false cachegridinfo } if } if } { mygrid mycachefile? { mycachefile dup fileexists? { readfile } { pop } ifelse } if } ifelse dup /expires known { /expires expires def } if 1output }
BLD { 1383147742 set_code_last_modified /json WWWinfo exch /mimesuffix exch put mimeheader: true { WWWinfo .sendmimeheader { (Vary: Accept-Encoding ) print } if WWWinfo /Accept-Encoding getknown { (gzip) search { pop pop pop true } { pop false } ifelse } { false } ifelse } { true } ifelse { (Content-Encoding: gzip ) print :mimeheader togzip } { :mimeheader } ifelse dup type /stringtype eq not { currentobject totype /streamtype eq { (iridl:Variable) } { (iridl:Dataset) } ifelse } if { myobject mytargettype } inputs openJSON exch ({ "@context": ) PSprint Types2OutSchema mytargettype get writeJSON (, ) PSprint myobject mytargettype typedConvert continueJSON ( ) PSprint closeJSON flush stop }
BLD { dup { pop } { buffer null eq { CopyStream } if bufferSIRecord SIRecord ne { CopyStream } if cachevardirname VBattachfile pop } foralldatasets2 }
BLD { 1 /erf publicproc: { A } inputs A dup type /objecttype eq not { c: exch :c } if datatype /realarraytype eq { chunksize 1 integerarray astore vserf0 TaskStreams 0 get TaskParameterBlock 0 get NewBuffer defivars /fullname [ /erf A .fullname ] def } { chunksize 1 integerarray astore vderf0 TaskStreams 0 get TaskParameterBlock 0 get NewBuffer defivars /fullname [ /erf A .fullname ] def } ifelse 1output :publicproc }
BLD { mark currentobject totype /streamtype eq { currentobject } { /LAYERS /layers wmsgetknown { null { (,) search { nip counttomark 1 add index exch pget exec } { counttomark 1 add index exch pget exec leave } ifelse } repeat } { /LAYER /layer wmsgetknown { null { (,) search { nip counttomark 1 add index exch pget exec } { counttomark 1 add index exch pget exec leave } ifelse } repeat } if } ifelse } ifelse counttomark 1 ge { currentobject /band known { getXY? pop fig: rgbcolor :fig } { getXY? pop fig: colors :fig } ifelse /REQUEST /request wmsgetknown { (GetLegendGraphic) eq { .auxfig } if } if /plotborder 0 psdef /plotaxislength /WIDTH /width wmsgetknown { interp /HEIGHT /height wmsgetknown { interp imax } if psdef /XOVY /WIDTH /width wmsgetknown { interp } if /HEIGHT /height wmsgetknown { interp } if 1.0 mul div psdef } { pop } ifelse /TRANSPARENT /transparent wmsgetknown { dup (TRUE) eq exch (true) eq or { /transparent true psdef } if } if figgrids 0 get /BBOX /bbox wmsgetknown { 3 { (,) search pop nip interp exch } repeat interp pop nip plotrange } { pop } ifelse figgrids 1 get /BBOX /bbox wmsgetknown { 3 { (,) search pop nip interp exch } repeat interp nip 3 -1 roll pop plotrange } { pop } ifelse figachunk { get_units .timeunits? { /TIME /time wmsgetknown { /ISO8601 readusing dup length 0 eq { defaultvalue } if array? { 0 get } if plotvalue } { defaultvalue plotvalue } ifelse } { name FORMgetknown { interp plotvalue } { defaultvalue plotvalue } ifelse } ifelse } forall /FORMAT FORMgetknown { WMSFORMATS exch get exec } { .gif } ifelse } { /txt mimeheader:set (Nothing to plot ) print } ifelse }
BLD { { /total0 (total) apply1get1_complementgrids } /sum gridarray1fn }
BLD { currentobject /long_name known { mark exch dup type /arraytype eq { aload length 1 lt { null } if } if pop long_name ] } if }
BLD /cptv10
BLD { counttoobject /RANGEEDGES0 /RANGEEDGES allstreams1 }
BLD { 1 /SLtoT publicproc: decompress S L add /calendar S .get_calendar def /pointwidth L .pointwidth def ndim RECHUNK /T units 0 currentobject getrealization NewGRID /pointwidth 2 index .pointwidth def exch .nptgrids 0 get exch replaceGRID :publicproc }
BLD { 3 /pad0 publicproc: { mystream mygrid pl } inputs mystream dup dup dup mygrid .name get pl -1 mul shiftdata 1 index .chunk array astore REORDER dup dup mygrid .name get 1 array astore average exch 0 mul add dup mygrid .name get 2 index mygrid .name get last exch .step add last RANGEEDGES mygrid .name cvntos (_lag) 2 array astore concat cvn removeGRID exch dup mygrid .name get pl shiftdata 1 index .chunk array astore REORDER dup dup mygrid .name get 1 array astore average exch 0 mul add dup mygrid .name get first 4 index mygrid .name get first exch .step sub RANGEEDGES mygrid .name cvntos (_lag) 2 array astore concat cvn removeGRID 3 -1 roll appendstream exch appendstream /fullname [ /pad0 mystream .fullname ] def :publicproc nip }
BLD { exch dup type /objecttype eq not { 1 index dup type /objecttype eq { 0.0 mul add } { pop c: exch :c } ifelse } { 0 RECHUNK } ifelse exch 2 /poestudnt2 publicproc: { A dof } inputs dof type /objecttype eq { A dof 2 array astore { todouble toNaN8 } forall 1 index 0.0 mul add 1 index .chunksize 1 integerarray astore poestudnt2dof0 } { A todouble toNaN8 chunksize dof 2 integerarray astore poestudnt20 } ifelse TaskStreams 0 get TaskParameterBlock 0 get NewBuffer /fullname [ /poestudnt2 A .fullname ] def 1output :publicproc }
BLD CaseListpops2 /streamtype { pop pop pop true leave } def /pendingdatasettype { mark exch exec counttomark 1 ne { counttomark (broken dataset definition: returns ) exch s== append error } if nip totype /streamtype eq nip { pop true leave } if } def
BLD { 3 /pad2 publicproc: { mystream mygrid pl } inputs mystream dup dup dup mygrid .name get dup .step pl add -1 mul shiftdata 1 index .chunk array astore REORDER dup mygrid .name get 2 index mygrid .name get last exch .step add last RANGEEDGES dup dup dup mygrid .name get last VALUE dup mygrid .name get removeGRID sub 2 mul sub dup mygrid .name get 2 index mygrid .name get last exch .step add 1 index last exch .step sub RANGEEDGES dup dup mygrid .name get 0 add dup mygrid .name get 1 array astore sort_by rank 3 -1 roll mygrid .name get replaceGRID mygrid .name cvntos (_lag) 2 array astore concat cvn removeGRID exch dup mygrid .name get dup .step pl add shiftdata 1 index .chunk array astore REORDER dup mygrid .name get first 4 index mygrid .name get first exch .step sub RANGEEDGES dup dup dup mygrid .name get first VALUE dup mygrid .name get removeGRID sub 2 mul sub dup mygrid .name get dup first exch .step add 4 index mygrid .name get first exch .step sub RANGEEDGES dup dup mygrid .name get 0 add dup mygrid .name get 1 array astore sort_by rank 3 -1 roll mygrid .name get replaceGRID mygrid .name cvntos (_lag) 2 array astore concat cvn removeGRID 3 -1 roll appendstream exch appendstream /fullname [ /pad2 mystream .fullname ] def :publicproc nip }
BLD { counttoobject /VALUES0 /VALUES allstreams1 }
BLD { 1 /erfc publicproc: { A } inputs A dup type /objecttype eq not { c: exch :c } if datatype /realarraytype eq { chunksize 1 integerarray astore vserfc0 TaskStreams 0 get TaskParameterBlock 0 get NewBuffer /fullname [ /erfc A .fullname ] def defivars } { chunksize 1 integerarray astore vderfc0 TaskStreams 0 get TaskParameterBlock 0 get NewBuffer /fullname [ /erfc A .fullname ] def } ifelse 1output :publicproc }
BLD { realorintegertype? not { 0.0 } if 1 index totype /gridtype ne { T exch } if 3 /monthlyAverage publicproc: 2 array astore cvx newmonthlyAverageFS 1 object exch /filterargs exch def datasetexec :publicproc }
BLD { decompress mark exch nptgrids aload pop counttomark 1 add -2 roll nip }
BLD 0 23 object /MidKcStart { store MidKc } def /MidDays { store MidD } def /PlantDday { store PlDd } def /LateKcStart { store LateKc } def /PlantDmonth { store PlDm } def /WBS WBS def /CropName { store Crop } def /LateDays { store LateD } def /InitCond { store initp } def /InitKcStart { store InitKc } def /calib { store rho } def /InitDays { store InitD } def /VegKcStart { store VegKc } def /LateKcEnd { store EndKc } def /VegDays { store VegD } def
BLD { dodatasetfilters 3 object exch /nonull? exch def exch /streamtype exch def exch /gridtype exch def filtersetexec }
BLD { { complementgridarray { minfnof0 minfnof0dp } (min) apply1get1nocount } /minover gridarray1fn }
BLD 0 23 object /survb { store betaexp } def /feednu { store nu } def /wctS wctS def /spr { store C } def /popu { store d } def /feedh { store h } def /spof { store fN } def /infk { store k } def /spog { store gN } def /infv { store v } def /del { store x } def /rec { store r } def /feedf { store fu } def /nat { store mu } def /surva { store alphaexp } def /feedg { store gu } def
BLD { dup /column_name known { column_name } { dup /long_name known { long_name } { name cvntos } ifelse } ifelse }
BLD { currentobject totype dup /datasettype eq exch /streamtype eq or { currentobject /description getknown { fullname name eq { name deletesuffix } { fullname extendnamearray dolongname } ifelse htmlformulaprint (: ) print printno' } { currentobject getdatasetwithdesc dup /description known { exch 2 copy subnamearray extendnamearray dolongname htmlformulaprint ( from ) print exch longname htmlformulaprint (: ) print .description printno' } { pop longname htmlformulaprint } ifelse } ifelse } if }
BLD { /gz /mimesuffix WWWinfo ! cptv10_sub togzip DoTasks stop }
BLD { (downloadsGrADS) htmlprint }
BLD { /tabopt FORMknown { pop table: /NaNmarker FORMknown { /NaNmarker WWWinfo .FORMinfo .NaNmarker def } if 1 1 WWWinfo .FORMinfo .tabopt .N interp { s== cvn WWWinfo .FORMinfo .tabopt exch get interp } for /eol FORMknown { /eol eols WWWinfo .FORMinfo .eol cvn get def } if :table WWWinfo FORMinfo .tabtype cvn dup /igor.tsv eq 1 index /R.tsv eq or { /mimesuffix /tsv def } { dup /free eq { /mimesuffix /txt def } { /mimesuffix 1 index def } ifelse } ifelse mimeheaderdata nip dup /html eq { ( ) print cvx exec ( ) print } { cvx exec } ifelse flush stop } { (ncoltable) htmlprint } ifelse }
BLD { 3 /shiftGRID publicproc: exch .name cvlit exch 2 array astore cvx shiftGRIDFS 1 object exch /filterargs exch def datasetexec :publicproc }
BLD { [ Z ] regridLinear exch dup /sp known { 128 64 tsptogau } if exch (mb) unitconvert Z 1000 925 850 700 600 500 400 300 250 200 150 100 70 50 30 20 10 toS /gribleveltype 100 def }
BLD { 3 /pad1 publicproc: { mystream mygrid pl } inputs mystream dup dup dup mygrid .name get dup .step pl add -1 mul shiftdata 1 index .chunk array astore REORDER dup mygrid .name get 2 index mygrid .name get last exch .step add 1 index last exch .step sub RANGEEDGES dup dup mygrid .name get 0 add dup mygrid .name get 1 array astore sort_by rank 3 -1 roll mygrid .name get replaceGRID mygrid .name cvntos (_lag) 2 array astore concat cvn removeGRID exch dup mygrid .name get dup .step pl add shiftdata 1 index .chunk array astore REORDER dup mygrid .name get dup first exch .step add 4 index mygrid .name get first exch .step sub RANGEEDGES dup dup mygrid .name get 0 add dup mygrid .name get 1 array astore sort_by rank 3 -1 roll mygrid .name get replaceGRID mygrid .name cvntos (_lag) 2 array astore concat cvn removeGRID 3 -1 roll appendstream exch appendstream /fullname [ /pad1 mystream .fullname ] def :publicproc nip }
BLD { pushdataset currentdataset dup 10 object /streamcount 0 def exch DATASETbot ==noprintdataset { doifstreamdef } forsome streamcount 0 ne { /streamcount undef } { pop null } ifelse popdataset }
BLD { valid_min }
BLD { 2 array astore cvx defasvarcachedecompresssilent }
BLD { 4 /flexseasonalfreqGT publicproc: { mystream daterange thold minfrac } inputs mystream thold flaggt T daterange minfrac seasonalAverage T differential_mul :publicproc nip }
BLD definingtableWords
BLD 0 5 object /stringtype /stringtype def /namearraytype /namearraytype def
BLD { dimension CopyStream x_range CopyStream y_range CopyStream z_range CopyStream reserverealization reserverealization reserverealization reserverealization z CopyStream dup reserverealization (X) cvn x_range units exch 0 exch CopyStream getrealization aload pop 2 copy exch sub dimension CopyStream getrealization 0 get 1 sub div exch NewEvenGRID name exch def (Y) cvn y_range units exch 0 exch CopyStream getrealization aload pop exch 2 copy exch sub dimension CopyStream getrealization 1 get 1 sub div exch NewEvenGRID name exch def 2 SetStreamIndex* X Y * (xysize) cvn undef z_range CopyStream getrealization aload pop /value_max exch def /value_min exch def nip }
BLD { (outline) htmlprint }
BLD FilterSet /streamtype { 3 -1 roll decompress 3 1 roll 2 index 2 index .name getknown { exec 3 -1 roll pop exch 2 index .getmissing_value null eq { pop dekadalAverage0 } { 3 1 roll 1 index 0 replaceNaN 1 index dekadalAverage0 3 1 roll exch dataflag exch dekadalAverage0 3 -1 roll normalize } ifelse } { pop pop } ifelse } def /gridtype { pop 1 index .name 1 index .name eq { pop dekadaledgesgrid partialgrid } { pop } ifelse } def
BLD { definingtable exch }
BLD { dup /description known not { dataset type /objecttype eq { .dataset getdatasetwithdesc } if } if }
BLD FilterSet /streamtype { getmissing_value null eq { pop } { exch 1 index replaceNaN exch /missing_value exch def } ifelse } def /gridtype { pop } def
BLD { { /rootmeansq0 (root mean sq) apply1get1_complementgrids } /rootmeansqover gridarray1fn }
BLD { streamgridarray mark currentobject /expires known { expires dup null eq { pop } if } if counttomark 1 add index { dup /expires known { expires dup null eq { pop pop } { nip } ifelse } { pop } ifelse } forall counttomark 1 sub { imin } repeat counttomark 1 eq { /expires exch def } if currentobject /last_modified known { last_modified dup null eq { pop } if } if counttomark 1 add index { dup /last_modified known { last_modified dup null eq { pop pop } { nip } ifelse } { pop } ifelse } forall counttomark 1 sub { imax } repeat counttomark 1 eq { /last_modified exch def } if pop pop }
BLD { 1 /varimax: publicproc: varimaxS new 9.99999975E-05 store EPS 0.001 store DELTA 5 store MAXIT }
BLD 0 11 object /gappy-data { svdparams /gappy-data? true put } def /spatial-mean { svdparams /spatial-mean? true put } def /temporal-mean { svdparams /temporal-mean? true put } def /gappy-data? false def /temporal-mean? false def /spatial-mean? false def
BLD { (subdatasets) htmlprint }
BLD { 3 /butt_poly_coeffs publicproc: { Real Imag poly_ord } inputs Real dup mul Imag dup mul add sqrt dup 0.0 mul 1.0 add grid: /name /coeffs def 0 1 poly_ord :grid beginLoop 1 index mul endLoop nip Imag Real atan dup 0.0 mul coeffs beginLoop 1 index add endLoop nip dup sin exch cos 2 index mul 3 -2 roll mul 0 ds exch coeffs second last RANGEEDGES /Im add_variable 1 index coeffs second last RANGEEDGES /Re add_variable { Re Im } grouptogrid [ M poles ] [ coeffs ] ginverse M (Re) VALUE /M removeGRID Real dup mul Imag dup mul add sqrt ln [ poles ] sum eexp poly_ord 2 div dup round eq not { -1.0 mul } if dup -1.0 mul 3 -1 roll mul [ poles ] sum exch 3 -1 roll .coeffs 0.0 mul add coeffs first VALUE exch appendstream 1output :publicproc }
BLD { dup type /objecttype eq { 0.0 } if 2 /monthlyAverage publicproc: monthlyAverageFS 1 object exch /filterargs exch def datasetexec :publicproc }
BLD { mark 3 1 roll subnamearray0 }
BLD { appendprep 0 { appendstreamsilent } /appenddatasetsilent allstreams1 currentfilepattern 0 get -1 ne { /filepattern currentfilepattern 0 get def } if }
BLD { cvlit { mygrid myproc } inputs myproc 0 get dup type /stringtype eq { (%) search { nip nip dup (/) rsearch { pop pop length 1 add 0 exch getinterval } { pop } ifelse } if /myfixedfile exch def } { pop /myfixedfile null def } ifelse mygrid /myfixedfile getknown { /myfixedfile exch def } if /mycachefile currentdefiningdatasetcachevardirname dup null eq { pop pop } { (/) mygrid .name cvntos (.gridinfo) 4array astore concat def } ifelse /mycachefile? 1 index /mycachefile known def myfixedfile null eq { true } { myfixedfile remotefileexists? } ifelse { mycachefile? { systemtime mycachefile filelast_modified sub dup 3600 6 mul lt exch 1 gt and } { false } ifelse { mygrid mycachefile readfile dup /expires known { expires systemtime lt mycachefile filelast_modified dup expires lt exch 1800 add systemtime lt or and { pop false } { true } ifelse } { true } ifelse } { false } ifelse not { mygrid myproc cvx remoteremoveextrausing0 mycachefile? { mycachefile true cachegridinfo } if } if } { mygrid mycachefile? { mycachefile dup fileexists? { readfile } { pop } ifelse } if } ifelse dup /expires known { /expires expires def } if 1output }
BLD { realorintegertype? not { 0.0 } if 1 index totype /gridtype ne { T exch } if 3 /dailyAverage publicproc: 2 array astore cvx dailyAverageFS 1 object exch /filterargs exch def datasetexec :publicproc }
name /==alias
BLD { surface dup /pss known { pss /missing_value null def pop } if dup /zg known { zg /missing_value null def pop } if dup /prl known { prl /units (m/s) cvn def name exch def } if dup /prc known { prc /units (m/s) cvn def name exch def } if dup /prl known 1 index /prc known and { /prcp { prl prc add /long_name (Total Precipitation) def /gribparam 260 def /grib_name /totprcp def } defasvar } if /dpsdx { pss 42 gautotsp partialeast 128 64 tsptogauUV /long_name (Zonal Deriv. of Surface Pres.) def /gribparam 273 def /grib_name /dpsdx def } defasvar /dpsdy { pss 42 gautotsp partialnorth 128 64 tsptogauUV /long_name (Meridional Deriv. of Surface Pres.) def /gribparam 274 def /grib_name /dpsdy def } defasvar /slp { extraP /gribparam 151 def /gribleveltype 102 def /long_name (mean sea level pressure) def } defasvarsilent name exch def hybrid_lev dup datasetdefs: /cterm { dataset .hybrid_lev a: .AC Z -0.5 1.0 0.5 shiftdatashort Z_lag 0.5 VALUE :a: .BC Z -0.5 1.0 0.5 shiftdatashort Z_lag -0.5 VALUE mul :a: .AC Z -0.5 1.0 0.5 shiftdatashort Z_lag -0.5 VALUE :a: .BC Z -0.5 1.0 0.5 shiftdatashort Z_lag 0.5 VALUE mul sub -1 mul :a } defasvar /cterm { AC Z differences BC [ Z ] regridLinear mul BC Z differences AC [ Z ] regridLinear mul sub BC Z differences 0 flaggt mul } defasvar /pterm { cterm P [ Z ] differences div P 500 max Z lnratios mul } defasvar /ps-advection { dataset a: .hybrid_lev .u 128 64 tsptogauUV :a: .surface .dpsdx mul :a: .hybrid_lev .v 128 64 tsptogauUV :a: .surface .dpsdy mul add :a } defasvar /omegahalf { dataset a: .hybrid_lev .ps-advection :a: .hybrid_lev .BC Z differences mul :a: .hybrid_lev .P [ Z ] differences :a: .hybrid_lev .Div 128 64 tsptogau mul :a add -1 mul 3 RECHUNK [ Z ] sums 2 RECHUNK /long_name (vertical pressure velocity subterm) def /gribparam undef /grib_name undef } defasvar :datasetdefs exch DATASETbot null 5 object /ps-advection dup def /pterm dup def /cterm dup def /omegahalf dup def { def } forsome /psi { rvort invlaplacian /long_name (streamfunction) def /gribparam 148 def /grib_name /strm def } defasvar /chi { Div invlaplacian /long_name (velocity potential) def /gribparam 149 def /grib_name /vpot def } defasvar /u { chi nsp 1 sub changetruncation partialeast nsp 1 add changetruncation psi nsp 1 sub changetruncation partialnorth sub /long_name (zonal velocity) def /gribparam 131 def /grib_name /ua def } defasvar /v { chi nsp 1 sub changetruncation partialnorth psi nsp 1 sub changetruncation partialeast nsp 1 add changetruncation add /long_name (meridional velocity) def /gribparam 132 def /grib_name /va def } defasvar /Z rvort .Z def continuedataset: variable: /name /AC def /units /Pa def grids: Z integralgrid :grids values: 0 2000.0 4000.0 6046.1104 8267.9277 10609.514 12851.101 14698.498 15861.125 16116.236 15356.924 13621.46 11101.562 8127.144 5125.1416 2549.9695 783.19501 0 0 0 :values :variable variable: /name /BC def /units /unitless def grids: Z integralgrid :grids values: 0 0 0 3.38993297E-04 0.003357187 0.01307004 0.03407715 0.07064983 0.1259167 0.2011954 0.2955196 0.4054092 0.5249322 0.646108 0.7596984 0.8564376 0.9287469 0.9729852 0.9922815 1.0 :values :variable variable: /name /Rv def /long_name (gas constant for moist air) def /units (J/kg/K) def grids: :grids values: 461.52499 :values :variable variable: /name /Rd def /long_name (gas constant for dry air) def /units (J/kg/K) def grids: :grids values: 287.05966 :values :variable variable: /name /gravity def /long_name (earth's gravity) def /units (m/s2) def grids: :grids values: 9.8066502 :values :variable /omega { dataset a: .hybrid_lev .ps-advection :a: .hybrid_lev .P [ Z ] regridLinear mul :a: .hybrid_lev .BC Z differences 0 RECHUNK :a: .hybrid_lev .pterm add :a: .hybrid_lev .P Z differences div 2 RECHUNK mul toreal :a: .hybrid_lev .omegahalf CopyStream [ Z ] regridLinear add :a /long_name (vertical pressure velocity) def /gribparam 135 def /units (Pa/s) def } defasvar /P { dataset a: hybrid_lev /logpsl known { .hybrid_lev .logpsl 128 64 tsptogau eexp /units /Pa def Z removeGRID } { .surface .pss } ifelse :a: .hybrid_lev .BC mul :a: .hybrid_lev .AC add :a /long_name (pressure) def /gribparam undef /grib_name undef 1006806553 set_last_modified } defasvar /phi { P 500 max Z lnratios Z high low RANGE ta unitclearorigin 128 64 tsptogau mul Rd -1 mul gravity div mul Rd .dataset /hus known { Rv Rd div 1 sub hus dup /sp known { 128 64 tsptogau } if mul 1 add mul } if Rd .dataset .dataset .surface .zg gravity div [ Z ] integrate /long_name (geopotential height) def /gribparam 156 def /grib_name /zg def } defasvar :dataset name exch def continuedataset: dataset: /name /PressureLevel def /description (gaussian grid at standard Pressure Levels -- below surface values marked as missing) def /u { currentobject .dataset .hybrid_lev a: .u :a: .P :a toafterPlvlUV } defasvar /v { dataset .hybrid_lev a: .v :a: .P :a toafterPlvlUV } defasvar /ta { dataset .hybrid_lev a: .ta :a: .P :a toafterPlvl } defasvar /rvort { dataset .hybrid_lev a: .rvort :a: .P :a toafterPlvl } defasvar /psi { dataset .hybrid_lev a: .psi :a: .P :a toafterPlvl } defasvar /phi { dataset .hybrid_lev a: .phi :a: .P Z second last RANGE :a toafterPlvl } defasvar /hus { dataset .hybrid_lev a: .hus :a: .P :a toafterPlvl } defasvar /omega { dataset .hybrid_lev a: .omega :a: .P :a toafterPlvl } defasvar /Div { dataset .hybrid_lev a: .Div :a: .P :a toafterPlvl } defasvar /chi { dataset .hybrid_lev a: .chi :a: .P :a toafterPlvl } defasvar :dataset :dataset /griblist.html { (griblist) htmlprint } def }
BLD { 1284664335 set_code_last_modified dup type /arraytype eq { exch 1 index REORDER exch 0 get gridvalues { 3 copy VALUE 4 1 roll cvsunits 4 -1 roll exch /column_name exch cvn def 3 1 roll } forall pop pop } if dup totype /datasettype eq { mark exch { pop } { nptgrids length 1 gt { pop } { datatype /geometrytype eq { pop } if } ifelse } foralldatasets2 definingtable tableobject 11 object mark } { definingtable tableobject 11 object } ifelse /prtwds [ tablecolmax { { printnamedunits } } repeat ] def }
BLD { nrdim grids { gridno imax } forall nrdim sub { 0 grids { gridno 1 index .nrdim ge { 1 add } if } forall nrdim grids { gridno imax } forall nrdim sub lt { nrdim 1 add RECHUNK } { leave } ifelse } repeat }
BLD { false 1 index DATASETbot ==noprintdataset { ifgridcase caseexec } forsome }
BLD { currentobject totype /datasettype eq { currentobject { pop } { } foralldatasets2 } if }
BLD { 2 index null eq { pop pop } { counttoobject 1 sub index dup type /arraytype eq { length counttoobject 2 sub eq { 0.0 } if counttoobject 1 add } { pop counttoobject 1 eq { 0.0 } if 4 } ifelse /boxAverage publicproc: counttoobject 1 sub index dup type /arraytype eq { length counttoobject 2 sub eq { 0.0 } if counttoobject 1 add } { pop counttoobject 1 eq { 0.0 } if 4 } ifelse 1 sub array astore dup 0 2 copy get dup type /arraytype eq { mark 1 index { .name } forall counttomark 2 add -1 roll astore cvx nip } { .name cvlit } ifelse put cvx boxAveragecase 1 object exch /filterargs exch def datasetexec :publicproc } ifelse }
BLD [ null ]
BLD { dup mark eq { pop counttomark 2 sub /ncol exch def counttomark 1 add -1 roll pop } if dup type /integertype eq { /ncol exch def } if ncol 1 eq { 3 -1 roll nptgrids dup length 0 gt { 0 get exch 4 2 roll /ncol ncol 1 add def } { pop 3 1 roll } ifelse } if nip }
BLD { counttoobject 1 add /average publicproc: dup /keepgrids eq { pop { /mean0 (mean) apply1get1_complementgrids_keepgrids } /average gridarray1fn } { { /mean0 (mean) apply1get1_complementgrids } /average gridarray1fn } ifelse :publicproc }
BLD { currentobject totype dup /datasettype eq exch /streamtype eq or { currentobject /description getknown { fullname name eq { name deletesuffix } { fullname extendnamearray dolongname } ifelse printforxml (: ) print printforxml } { currentobject getdatasetwithdesc dup /description known { exch 2 copy subnamearray extendnamearray dup length 0 gt { dolongname printforxml ( from ) print } { pop } ifelse exch longname printforxml (: ) print .description printforxml } { pop longname printforxml } ifelse } ifelse } if }
BLD { 1 index type /arraytype eq not { { } } if 3 1 roll null 3 1 roll cvx /dodefasvarcachedecompresssilent cvx 5 array astore cvx dup 1 currentobject put dup 2 get exch pdef }
name /==alias
BLD CaseList /objecttype { pop pop } def /htmlprinttype { pop pop } def /gridtype { allgrid totype /datasettype eq { allgrid 2 index torelativename pgetknown { 2 copy ne { allargs aload pop allroutine dup null eq { pop undef } { dup name known { .streamgrids } if name 2 index eq { def } { name exch def undef } ifelse /streamcount streamcount 1 add def } ifelse } { pop pop pop } ifelse } { pop pop } ifelse } { name allgrid eq { dup allargs aload pop allroutine dup null eq { pop undef } { dup name known { .streamgrids } if name 2 index eq { def } { name exch def undef } ifelse /streamcount streamcount 1 add def } ifelse } { pop pop } ifelse } ifelse } def /xmlfiletype { pop pop } def /linktype { pop pop } def /booleantype { pop pop } def /nametype { pop pop } def /messagetype { pop pop } def /figobjecttype { pop pop } def /realtype { pop pop } def /realarraytype { pop pop } def /namearraytype { pop pop } def /shortarraytype { pop pop } def /datasettype { doallstreams dup null eq { pop undef } { /dataset 3 index def def /streamcount streamcount 1 add def } ifelse } def /giffiletype { pop pop } def /integertype { pop pop } def /arraytype { dup xcheck { nip currentdataset exch exec nip name exch doifstreamdef } { pop pop } ifelse } def /streamtype { dup dup allgrid anyknowngrid { dup allgridget allargs aload pop allroutine } { decompress dup allgrid anyknowngrid { dup allgridget allargs aload pop allroutine } if } ifelse exch 1 index eq { 5 object /dataset 3 index def def /streamcount streamcount 1 add def } { dup null eq { pop undef } { /dataset 3 index def def /streamcount streamcount 1 add def } ifelse } ifelse } def /htmlfiletype { pop pop } def /jpegfiletype { pop pop } def /pendingdatasettype { dup xcheck { nip currentdataset exch exec nip name exch doifstreamdef } { pop pop } ifelse } def /stringtype { pop pop } def /imageobjecttype { pop pop } def /figviewtype { dup dup allgrid known { allgrid allargs aload pop allroutine } if exch 1 index eq { 5 object /dataset 3 index def def /streamcount streamcount 1 add def } { dup null eq { pop undef } { /dataset 3 index def def /streamcount streamcount 1 add def } ifelse } ifelse } def /nulltype { pop pop } def /marktype { pop pop } def /operatortype { pop pop } def /geometrytype { pop pop } def /integerarraytype { pop pop } def /doublearraytype { pop pop } def
BLD { rootmeansqover }
BLD { covarcomp0 STREAM TaskParameterBlock 1 get dup 1 add mul 2 div NewIntegerBuffer pop STREAM 11 object /name /cov def /fullname [ /cov variablesarray 0 get .fullname dup type /arraytype ne { 1 array astore } if ] def /ISYMM dup TaskParameterBlock 1 get dup 1 add mul 2 div NewIntegerGRID def ISYMM .npts NewDoubleBuffer 1 SetStreamIndex* ISYMM avachunkgrids aload pop repeatgrids aload pop * /units variablesarray 0 get .units dup unitmul def /missing_value NaN def STREAM TaskParameterBlock 1 get NewIntegerBuffer /name /indices def rgrids length SetStreamIndex* rgrids aload pop avachunkgrids aload pop repeatgrids aload pop * STREAM 1 NewIntegerBuffer /name /nout def 0 SetStreamIndex* avachunkgrids aload pop repeatgrids aload pop * 3 array astore { avachunkgrids { last VALUE } forall avachunkgrids { removeGRID0 } forall } forall 3 -1 roll /ipack compression: 3 -1 roll name exch def 3 -1 roll name exch def /compressedgrid rgrids def /grids rgrids def :compression /symmetricStorageMode compression: /symmetricchunk rgrids def :compression }
BLD { 1 index totype /gridtype eq { 0.0 } if 4 /seasonalAverage publicproc: 3 array astore cvx seasonalAverageFS 1 object exch /filterargs exch def currentobject /filterargs get 1 get type /stringtype eq { currentobject /filterargs get 0 get .name currentobject /filterargs get 1 get 4 2 roll datasetexec 2 index cvx exec 2 index ( - ) search { nip nip } if VALUES nip exch exec dup units monthtimename eq { /pointwidth get_bounds streamgrids pop differences streamgrids nip first VALUE getrealization 0 get def } if nip name exch def } { datasetexec } ifelse :publicproc }
BLD { foralldatasetsCase 5 object exch dup null eq { pop } { /streamtype exch def } ifelse exch dup null eq { pop } { /datasettype0 exch def } ifelse /myCases 1 index def /==alias /myCases cvx def mycasedefs 1 object /myCases 3 -1 roll def begin startdataset mycaseexec enddataset end }
BLD { (downloadsGeoTiff) htmlprint }
BLD { realorintegertype? not { 0.0 } if 1 index totype /gridtype ne { T exch } if 3 /yearlyAverage publicproc: 2 array astore cvx yearlyAverageFS 1 object exch /filterargs exch def datasetexec :publicproc }
BLD { 3 /seastotZeroFill publicproc: { mystream monrange minfrac } inputs mystream a: dataflag T monthlyAverage minfrac flagge 0 maskle :a: 0 replaceNaN T sums T (0000 1) VALUES [ T ] differences T (months since 1960-01-01) streamgridunitconvert :a mul T monrange 1.0 seasonalAverage monrange (-) search { nip pop } if 0 3 getinterval interp monrange (-) search { nip nip } if 0 3 getinterval interp sub dup 0 ge { 1 add } { 1 add 12 add } ifelse mul :publicproc nip }
BLD { 3 /flexseastotZeroFill publicproc: { mystream daterange minfrac } inputs mystream dup T daterange minfrac seasonalAverage 0 mul exch 0 replaceNaN T daterange 1.0 seasonalAverage add T differential_mul :publicproc nip }
BLD { currentfilepattern 0 -1 put 1 index /filepattern getknown { 1 index /filepattern getknown { 2 copy eq { pop pop } { 1 index totype /streamtype eq { dup totype /streamtype ne { 3 -1 roll nip /filepattern attributetovariable exch .streamgrids .name 1 index exch get filepattern exch addGRIDstream name exch def } { pop pop } ifelse } { pop pop exch /filepattern undef exch /filepattern undef } ifelse } ifelse } { pop } ifelse } if }
BLD { dup type /integertype eq { array astore } if 1 index totype /gridtype eq { aload length REORDER0 } { 0 { aload length REORDER0 } /REORDER allstreams1 } ifelse }
BLD { 5 /flexseasonalnonoverlapWSfreq publicproc: { mystream daterange wslength thold minfrac } inputs mystream a: T daterange minfrac seasonalAverage 0 flagge :a: -999 replaceNaN 0 thold flagnotrange [ T ] integral dup T wslength shiftGRID [ T ] regridLB sub wslength flagge [ T ] differences 1 flagge T :a: T daterange 0 6 getinterval VALUES T wslength 1 sub shiftGRID .T first cvsunits 0 6 getinterval ( - ) daterange 8 16 getinterval 3 array astore concat nip seasonalAverage T differential_mul T 2 index .T replaceGRID :a mul :publicproc nip }
BLD { :table }
BLD { { /meansq0 (mean sq) apply1get1 } /meansq gridarray1fn }
BLD { nip { precip tempavg tempamp myTAW mygrid geolocations params } inputs NEWDATASET /fullname { name } def /name /water_balance def precip dup dup mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name get -6 1 0 shiftdatashort mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name cvntos (_lag) append interp 0.0 add 0 maskle 2 replaceNaN div mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name cvntos (_lag) append interp 1 array astore sum 1 index 12.5 flagge mul { IPA0 6.25 IPA1 6.3000002 IPA2 19.0 IPA3 31.700001 IPA4 44.400002 IPA5 57.099998 IPA6 69.900002 IPA7 } classify grid: /name /PPcoefs def values: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.858 -0.895 0.0028 -1.14 0.042 0.0026 -2.3399999 0.12 0.0026 -2.3599999 0.19 0.0026 -2.78 0.25 0.0026 -3.1700001 0.32 0.0024 -4.21 0.438 0.0018 :values :grid 0 add /name /PPcoef def PPcoefs /PPn 24 NewIntegerGRID replaceGRID PPn 3 splitstreamgrid PPn2 aprod replaceGRID PPn 1.0 sub 4 -1 roll ln mul eexp mul [ PPn ] sum mul [ aprod ] sum dup dataflag 1 masklt exch 0 max mul geolocations length 5 eq { geolocations dup 0 get exch dup 3 get exch 4 get 3 -1 roll exch geometrydistance nip 3 -1 roll exch /long_name (distance of station from soil masking) def /distance add_variable exch } if geolocations length 3 eq { geolocations dup 0 get exch dup 1 get exch 2 get 3 -2 roll 2 array astore weighted-average } if prcp_0to1000_colors DATA 0 AUTO RANGE /long_name (water run off) def /units /mm def /Runoff add_variable precip geolocations length 3 eq { geolocations dup 0 get exch dup 1 get exch 2 get 3 -2 roll 2 array astore weighted-average } if Runoff -1.0 mul exch add prcp_0to1000_colors DATA 0 AUTO RANGE /units /mm def /long_name (effective precipitation) def /Peffective add_variable mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 0 get } { 0 add } ifelse 365.25 mod /units /days def pi mul 2.0 mul 365.25 div dup cos 0.033 mul 1.0 add exch 1.39 sub sin 0.409 mul dup tan geolocations dup length 5 eq { 2 get } { 1 get 0.0 add } ifelse dup tand -1.0 mul 3 -1 roll mul acosd pi mul 180.0 div 3 -1 roll dup sin exch cos 3 index cosd mul 2 index sin mul 3 -2 roll 4 -1 roll sind mul mul add mul 0.082 mul 1440.0 mul pi div 0.408 mul 0.0023 mul rainbowcolorscale /long_name (extraterrestrial radiation) def /units (MJ/m2/day) def /RA add_variable tempavg 17.799999 add tempamp sqrt mul geolocations dup length 3 ne { pop RA mul } { dup 0 get exch dup 1 get exch 2 get 3 -2 roll 2 array astore 3 -1 roll RA mul 3 -2 roll weighted-average } ifelse prcp_0to1000_colors DATA 0 AUTO RANGE /units /mm def /long_name (reference evapotranspiration) def /ETref add_variable mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 0 get /Tt 1 index units 0 3 -1 roll a: mygrid 0 get [ streamgrids ] nip minover getrealization 0 get 366 sub :a: mygrid 0 get [ streamgrids ] nip maxover getrealization 0 get 366 add :a 1 exch NewEvenGRID 0.0 mul 1 add /name /longtime def dup Tt /Ss renameGRID } { 0.0 mul 1 add /name /longtime def dup dup mygrid .name get /Ss renameGRID Ss 366 pad0 } ifelse Ss params .PlDd cvi s== ( ) append params .PlDm append VALUES /I 365 NewIntegerGRID CopyStream dup 1 flagle params .InitKc interp mul 1 index 2 params .InitD interp flagrange params .VegKc interp params .InitKc interp sub params .InitD interp div mul 2 index params .InitD interp 1 add dup params .VegD interp 1 sub add dup 4 -3 roll flagrange params .MidKc interp params .VegKc interp sub params .VegD interp div mul exch 4 index exch 1 add dup params .MidD interp 1 sub add dup 4 -3 roll flagrange params .LateKc interp params .MidKc interp sub params .MidD interp div mul exch 5 index exch 1 add dup params .LateD interp 1 sub add dup 4 -3 roll flagrange params .EndKc interp params .LateKc interp sub params .LateD interp div mul exch 7 -1 roll exch 1 add dup 1 add flagrange 1 params .EndKc interp sub 2.0 div mul add add add add add 0.0 I integrate I second last RANGE I -1 shiftGRID I /units /days def /pointwidth 1.0 def /Ll renameGRID mul [ Ll Ss ] REORDER CopyStream 0 RECHUNK CopyStream dup [ Ll Ss ] /I nchunk NewIntegerGRID replaceGRIDstream Ll Ss add 0.5 sub 0 RECHUNK [ Ll Ss ] /I nchunk NewIntegerGRID replaceGRIDstream use_as_grid mygrid type /arraytype eq { asum Tt .name renameGRID nip dup Tt .name get 1 array astore regridAverage nip /units /unitless def exch Tt sample-along } { asum mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name renameGRID nip dup mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name get 1 array astore regridAverage nip /units /unitless def } ifelse rainbowcolorscale DATA 0 AUTO RANGE /long_name params .Crop ( crop Cultivar) append def /Kc add_variable Kc ETref mul prcp_0to1000_colors DATA 0 AUTO RANGE /units /mm def /long_name params .Crop ( crop evapotranspiration) append def /ETcrop add_variable dup mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name get 0.0 add /name /noname def streamgrids 1 pad0 streamgrids nip second last subgrid myTAW params .initp interp mul ETcrop dup mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name get first VALUE mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name removeGRID 0.0 mul add [ streamgrids ] REORDER exch beginLoop dup params .rho interp myTAW mul div 1 min ETcrop mul sub Peffective add 0.0 max myTAW min endLoop dup dup mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name get first VALUE 0.0 mul 1 index mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name get beginLoop ETcrop 0.0 mul add Peffective 0.0 mul add endLoop add dup mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name get -1 shiftGRID prcp_0to1000_colors DATA 0 AUTO RANGE /units /mm def /long_name (soil moisture) def /SM add_variable SM dup mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name get 1 shiftGRID myTAW params .rho interp mul div 1 min ETcrop mul prcp_0to1000_colors DATA 0 AUTO RANGE /units /mm def /long_name params .Crop ( reduced crop evapotranspiration) append def /ETcrop_red add_variable Peffective ETcrop_red sub SM dup mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name get differences dup mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 1 get } if .name get 0.5 shiftGRID sub prcp_0to1000_colors DATA 0 AUTO RANGE /long_name (water drained) def /units /mm def /Drain add_variable geolocations length 5 eq { geolocations 4 get /the_geom add_variable } if geolocations length 3 eq { geolocations 2 get /the_geom add_variable } if mygrid dup type /arraytype eq { 0 get name add_variable } { pop } ifelse exch /procargs [ procargs aload pop params .initp /InitCond cvx params .rho /calib cvx params .InitKc /InitKcStart params .InitD /InitDays params .VegKc /VegKcStart params .VegD /VegDays params .MidKc /MidKcStart params .MidD /MidDays params .LateKc /LateKcStart params .LateD /LateDays params .EndKc /LateKcEnd params .PlDd /PlantDday params .PlDm /PlantDmonth params .Crop /CropName /:Water_Balance cvx ] store exch 1output :publicproc }
BLD null
BLD varimaxS
BLD { tblS new 0 store interation eol store EOL tblstart store TBLST tblend store TBLEN recstart store RECST recend store RECEN entstart store ENTST entend store ENTEN 1 index /header get store HDRFN nip skipNaN store skipnan NaNmarker dup null eq { pop () } if dup type /stringtype ne { s== } if store markNaN ncol store n1 ncol store n1t IPG store ipg NPPG store nppg 0 store nlabel 1 index /prtwds known { 1 index .prtwds 0 ncol tablecolmax imin getinterval } { [ { printnamedunits } n1 1 sub { dup } repeat ] } ifelse store PRTWDS nip [ n1 2 add 2 roll ] store STRMS n1 tablecolmax gt { STRMS 0 tablecolmax getinterval store STRMS tablecolmax store n1 tablecolmax store n1t } if dup /thetablerecord Ingrid: ! STRMS nip { currentobject dup totype /gridtype eq exch /bounds known and { get_bounds pop } if getmissing_value null ne { datatype gentabunscalable exch known not { toNaN } { bufferwordsize 1 eq { toNaN } if } ifelse } { datatype gentabunscalable exch known not { getscale_factor type /objecttype eq getadd_offset type /objecttype eq or { toNaN } if dup totype /gridtype eq not getscale_factor 1.0 ne getadd_offset 0.0 ne or and { toNaN } if } { bufferwordsize 1 eq { toNaN } if } ifelse } ifelse } forall thetablerecord STRMS nip astore aload length null MATCH thetablerecord STRMS nip astore pop thetablerecord mark STRMS { .datatype } forall counttomark namearray astore nip store TYPES /mylookup null STRMS length object 0 1 STRMS length 1 sub { STRMS 1 index get .name exch 1 add def } for def skipnan type /arraytype eq { mark skipnan { dup type /objecttype eq { .name } if mylookup exch get STRMS 1 index 1 sub get .missing_value null eq { pop } if } forall counttomark integerarray astore nip store skipnan } if skipnan true eq { mark STRMS { datatype /stringtype ne bufferwordsize 1 eq or { .name mylookup exch get STRMS 1 index 1 sub get .missing_value null eq { pop } if } { pop } ifelse } forall counttomark integerarray astore nip store skipnan } if skipnan false eq { 0 integerarray store skipnan } if mark STRMS { bufferwordsize nip } forall counttomark integerarray astore nip store NWS STRMS 0 get .chunksize dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if store n2 STRMS 0 get .nchunk dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if store n3 null STRMS { dup /expires known { .expires dup null eq { pop } { 1 index null eq { nip } { imax } ifelse } ifelse } { pop } ifelse } forall 0 STRMS { /last_modified getknownnotnull { imaxasproc } if } forall exch mimeheadersetlastmodexpires STRMS aload length 1 add -1 roll { null gentab1 gentab2 gentab3 gentab4 gentab5 gentab6 gentab7 gentab8 gentab9 gentab10 gentab11 gentab12 gentab13 gentab14 gentab15 gentab16 gentab17 gentab18 gentab19 gentab20 gentab21 gentab22 gentab23 gentab24 gentab25 } n1 get exec STREAM 23 object /name /entrycount def /datatype /integerarraytype def 1 NewIntegerBuffer 0 SetStreamIndex* TaskStreams 0 get .nchunk dup 1 gt { /I exch NewIntegerGRID } { pop } ifelse * ndim 0 gt { I last VALUE I removeGRID } if }
BLD { 4 /flexseasonalfreqLT publicproc: { mystream daterange thold minfrac } inputs mystream thold flaglt T daterange minfrac seasonalAverage T differential_mul :publicproc nip }
BLD { counttoobject 1 sub index dup type /arraytype eq { length counttoobject 2 sub eq { 0.0 } if counttoobject 1 add } { pop counttoobject 1 eq { 0.0 } if 4 } ifelse /boxAverageSP publicproc: counttoobject 1 sub index dup type /arraytype eq { length counttoobject 2 sub eq { 0.0 } if counttoobject 1 add } { pop counttoobject 1 eq { 0.0 } if 4 } ifelse 1 sub array astore dup 0 2 copy get dup type /arraytype eq { mark 1 index { .name } forall counttomark 2 add -1 roll astore cvx nip } { .name cvlit } ifelse put cvx boxAverageSPcase 1 object exch /filterargs exch def datasetexec :publicproc }
BLD { get_scale_max number? { getscale_factor mul getadd_offset add } if }
BLD { realorintegertype? not { 0.0 } if 1 index totype /gridtype ne { T exch } if 3 /dekadalAverage publicproc: 2 array astore cvx dekadalAverageFS 1 object exch /filterargs exch def datasetexec :publicproc }
BLD { 0 { 1 index .dataset dup null eq { pop pop } { 1 index .name get replaceGRID } ifelse } /replacewithdatasetGRID allstreams1 }
BLD { 4 /seasonalmeandailyvalueGT publicproc: { mystream monrange thold minfrac } inputs mystream a: dataflag T monthlyAverage minfrac flagge 0 maskle T monrange 1.0 seasonalAverage :a: thold maskle T monrange 0.0 seasonalAverage :a mul :publicproc nip }
BLD { dup /references known not { dataset type /objecttype eq { .dataset getdatasetwithreferences } { pop null } ifelse } if }
BLD FilterSet /streamtype { 4 -1 roll decompress 4 1 roll 3 index 3 index .name getknown { exec 4 -1 roll pop 3 1 roll 3 index .getmissing_value null eq { pop seasonalAverage0 } { 4 1 roll 2 index 0 replaceNaN 2 index 2 index seasonalAverage0 4 1 roll 3 -1 roll dataflag 3 1 roll seasonalAverage0 3 -1 roll normalize } ifelse } { pop pop pop } ifelse } def /gridtype { pop 2 index .name 2 index .name eq { nip dup ( - ) search { pop pop pop true } { pop false } ifelse { seasonaledgesgrid dup } { seasonaledgesgrid dup /monthtime gridunitconvert } ifelse partialgrid } { pop pop } ifelse } def
BLD { 1 /erfinv publicproc: { A } inputs A dup type /objecttype eq not { c: exch :c } if datatype /realarraytype eq { chunksize 1 integerarray astore vserfinv0 TaskStreams 0 get TaskParameterBlock 0 get NewBuffer /fullname [ /erfinv A .fullname ] def defivars } { chunksize 1 integerarray astore vderfinv0 TaskStreams 0 get TaskParameterBlock 0 get NewBuffer /fullname [ /erfinv A .fullname ] def } ifelse 1output :publicproc }
BLD tblS
BLD 0 5 object (CR-LF (DOS/Windows))cvn (CRLF) def (LF (unix))cvn (LF) def (CR (Mac))cvn (CR) def
BLD { null 3 1 roll /donopdefasvarsilent cvx 4 array astore cvx dup 0 currentobject put dup 1 get exch def }
BLD { 1 index type /arraytype eq not { { } } if 3 1 roll currentobject 3 1 roll cvx /dodefasvarcache cvx 5 array astore cvx dup 2 get exch pdef }
BLD { 1 index type /arraytype eq not { { } } if 3 1 roll currentobject 3 1 roll cvx /dodefasvarmetacachevar cvx 5 array astore cvx dup 2 get exch pdef }
BLD 0 11 object
BLD 0 5 object /integerarraytype { bounds2indexI4 } def /realarraytype { bounds2indexR4 } def /doublearraytype { bounds2indexR8 } def
BLD FilterSet /streamtype { 3 -1 roll decompress 3 1 roll 2 index 2 index .name getknown { exec 3 -1 roll pop exch 2 index .getmissing_value null eq { pop yearlyAverage0 } { 3 1 roll 1 index 0 replaceNaN 1 index yearlyAverage0 3 1 roll exch dataflag exch yearlyAverage0 3 -1 roll normalize } ifelse } { pop pop } ifelse } def /gridtype { pop 1 index .name 1 index .name eq { pop yearlyedgesgrid partialgrid } { pop } ifelse } def
BLD { { /rootmeansqanom0 (root mean sq anom) apply1get12scr } /rootmeansqanom gridarray1fn }
BLD { 1 index type /arraytype eq not { { } } if 3 1 roll null 3 1 roll /dodefasvarpartiallysilent cvx 5 array astore cvx dup 1 currentobject put dup 2 get exch pdef }
BLD { valid_max }
BLD [ null null ]
BLD { 1 index type /arraytype eq not { { } } if 3 1 roll currentobject 3 1 roll cvx /dodefasvarcacheKeepRestrictions cvx 5 array astore cvx dup 2 get exch pdef }
BLD { dup type /integertype eq { array astore } if 2 /SELECTORDER publicproc: false 1 index { type /stringtype eq { pop true leave } if } forall { exch null 2 index { dup type /stringtype eq { (,) search { nip exch RANGEEDGES } { VALUES } ifelse null } { nip } ifelse } forall pop exch [ exch { dup type /stringtype eq { pop } if } forall ] } if 1 index totype /gridtype eq { aload length REORDER0 } { 0 { aload length SELECTORDER0 } /SELECTORDER allstreams1 } ifelse :publicproc }
BLD { currentobject totype dup /datasettype eq exch /streamtype eq or { currentobject /description getknown { fullname name eq { name deletesuffix } { fullname extendnamearray dolongname } ifelse printno' (: ) print printno' } { currentobject getdatasetwithdesc dup /description known { exch 2 copy subnamearray extendnamearray dup length 0 gt { dolongname printno' ( from ) print } { pop } ifelse exch longname printno' (: ) print .description printno' } { pop longname printno' } ifelse } ifelse } if }
BLD { 2 copy eq { pop pop ] } { dup /myprocds getknown { type /arraytype eq { true } { dataset 1 index .myprocds eq not } ifelse } { true } ifelse { name deletesuffix counttomark 1 roll } if .dataset subnamearray0 } ifelse }
BLD { nip { Temp Prcp mygrid params } inputs NEWDATASET /fullname { name } def /name /wct def Prcp dup mygrid .name get 1 array astore REORDER achunk array astore REORDER dup mygrid .name get -28 1 1 shiftdatashort mygrid .name cvntos (_lag) append interp 1 array astore sum (units) (mm/month) def params .mu mul /name (q) def /long_name (number of emerging mosquitoes) def /units (unitless) def /q add_variable Temp dup mygrid .name get 1 array astore REORDER achunk array astore REORDER (Celsius_scale) unitconvert dup mygrid .name get -28 1 1 shiftdatashort mygrid .name cvntos (_lag) append interp last VALUE mygrid .name cvntos (_lag) append cvn removeGRID dup 0 add params .gu sub params .fu exch div /name (u) def /long_name (period of digestion of blood meal) def /units (days) def /scale_min 0 def /scale_max 20 def 3 -1 roll exch /u add_variable u params .nu add /name (U) def /long_name (total gonotrophic cycle length) def /scale_min 0 def /scale_max 20 def /U add_variable exch params .gN sub params .fN exch div /name (N) def /long_name (length of the sporogonic cycle) def /units (days) def /scale_min 0 def /scale_max 50 def /N add_variable U 1 exch div 1 params .betaexp -1.0 exch div eexp sub params .C mul -1 mul 1 add params .alphaexp -1.0 exch div eexp mul ln mul eexp /name (P) def /long_name (mean probability of daily survival for mosquito population) def /scale_min 0 def /scale_max 1 def /P add_variable N P ln mul eexp params .x params .h mul params .k mul params .v mul mul 1 params .betaexp -1.0 exch div eexp sub params .C mul -1 mul 1 add params .alphaexp -1.0 exch div eexp mul params .x params .h mul params .k mul params .v mul -1 mul 1 add mul -1 mul 1 add div /name (S) def /long_name (sporozoite rate) def /scale_min 0 def /scale_max 0.01 def /S add_variable U params .h exch div /name (a) def /long_name (mosquitoes feeding on humans frequency) def /scale_min 0 def /scale_max 0.2 def /a add_variable S q a mul mul 1 params .d div -1 mul 1 add ln mul eexp -1 mul 1 add /name (R) def /long_name (probability of a human receiving an infectious bite) def /scale_min 0 def /scale_max 0.001 def /R add_variable R params .d mul 3 -1 roll exch /At exch def R params .r -1 mul 1 add mul 1 add params .r add /Bt exch def exch { } { T 1 shiftGRID name add_variable } foralldatasets2 exch At 0 mul dup mygrid .name get first VALUE mygrid .name removeGRID params .d 100.0 div add At mygrid .name get beginLoop At add Bt div endLoop Bt dup mygrid .name get 1 shiftGRID dup mygrid .name get last VALUE At dup mygrid .name get 1 shiftGRID dup mygrid .name get last VALUE 2 index dup mygrid .name get 1 shiftGRID dup mygrid .name get last VALUE add exch div appendstream 1 R sub params .r mul 1 index mul /name (c) def /long_name (number of people recovering) def /scale_min 0 def 4 -1 roll exch /c add_variable params .d 2 index sub R mul /name (F) def /long_name (number of people newly infected) def /scale_min 0 def /F add_variable exch /name (I) def /long_name (number of infected humans) def /scale_min 0 def /I add_variable exch /procargs [ procargs aload pop params .d /popu cvx params .fN /spof cvx params .gN /spog cvx params .x /del cvx params .r /rec cvx params .mu /nat cvx params .alphaexp /surva cvx params .betaexp /survb cvx params .C /spr cvx params .fu /feedf cvx params .gu /feedg cvx params .nu /feednu cvx params .h /feedh cvx params .k /infk cvx params .v /infv cvx /:WCT cvx ] store exch 1output :publicproc }
BLD { getSRS dup null eq not { srtext2crsid } if dup null eq { pop (CRS:1) } if }
BLD { counttoobject array astore { currentobject 1 index get dup type /arraytype eq { /exec cvx /cachevar cvx 3 array astore cvx defasvarsilent } { cachevar pop pop } ifelse } forall }
BLD false
BLD { (rdf) xmlprint }
BLD { CE }
BLD { 4 /flexseasonalmeandailyvalueGT publicproc: { mystream daterange thold minfrac } inputs mystream a: T daterange minfrac seasonalAverage 0 flagge :a: thold maskle T daterange 0.0 seasonalAverage :a mul :publicproc nip }
BLD { dup type /objecttype eq { datatype /geometrytype eq { 1 index .spatialgrids } if } if dup type dup /realtype eq exch /integertype eq or not { 0.0 } if 2 index array? exch xcheck not and { 5 /weighted-average publicproc: } { 2 index type /objecttype eq { datatype /geometrytype eq { 3 index 3 -1 roll add:isSophisticatedBy nip exch } if } if 4 /weighted-average publicproc: [ ] exch } ifelse { mydata mywghts mygrids renamegrids mymincntwght } inputs currentobject /mywghts get type /arraytype eq { mydata mywghts nip /mywghts exch def } if /mygwghts mywghts def mywghts .datatype /geometrytype eq { mydata mywghts rasterize mygrids length 4 eq { mygrids 2 get .units /degree_east eq mygrids 3 get .units /degree_north eq and { mygrids 1 get mygrids 3 get add cosd mul } if } if mygrids length 2 eq { streamgridarray 0 get .units /degree_east eq streamgridarray 1 get .units /degree_north eq and { streamgridarray 1 get cosd mul } if } if mydata exch mygrids regridAverage nip /mywghts exch def mydata mygwghts geoboundingbox message? not { BOXEDGES /mydata exch def } { pop pop } ifelse mywghts mygwghts geoboundingbox message? not { BOXEDGES /mywghts exch def } { pop pop } ifelse } if /mynwghts mywghts 1 mygrids { 2 index 1 index gridno exch .nrdim gt { npts exch gridstride mul mul } { pop } ifelse } forall BufferOrder dup mygrids average div def mydata .getmissing_value null eq { mydata mynwghts mygrids mulavg } { mydata 0.0 replaceNaN mynwghts mygrids mulavg mydata dataflag mynwghts mygrids mulavg mymincntwght normalize } ifelse renamegrids length 0 gt { 0 1 renamegrids length 1 sub { renamegrids 1 index get exch mygrids exch get .name renameGRID } for } if 1output :publicproc }
BLD { realorintegertype? not { 0.0 } if 1 index totype /gridtype ne { T exch } if 3 /pentadAverage publicproc: 2 array astore cvx newpentadAverageFS 1 object exch /filterargs exch def datasetexec :publicproc }
BLD null
BLD { (downloadsCPT) htmlprint }
BLD 0 5 object
BLD { [ Z ] regridLinear exch dup /sp known { 128 64 tsptogauUV } if exch (mb) unitconvert Z 1000 925 850 700 600 500 400 300 250 200 150 100 70 50 30 20 10 toS /gribleveltype 100 def }
BLD { 0 /extraP publicproc: dataset a: .surface .pss decompress [ X Y ] REORDER todouble :a: .surface .zg decompress [ X Y ] REORDER todouble :a: .hybrid_lev .ta 128 64 tsptogau Z last VALUE [ X Y ] REORDER todouble :a: .hybrid_lev .P [ Z ] regridLinear [ X Y ] REORDER (Pa) unitconvert todouble :a 4 matchachunk chunksize extrapfn0 TaskStreams 3 get chunksize NewDoubleBuffer nrdim SetStreamIndex* X Y TaskStreams 0 get .achunk pop * /name /extraP def /fullname [ fullname aload pop pop name ] def /gridparam undef :publicproc }
BLD { 1 index type /arraytype eq not { { } } if 3 1 roll currentobject 3 1 roll cvx /dodefasvarmetacacheds cvx 5 array astore cvx dup 2 get exch pdef }
BLD false
BLD { 2 /dominant_class publicproc: { cat_data gridset } inputs cat_data gridset 2 copy { pop complementgridarray 1 index .getmissing_value? { pop /dominantclass0mv } { /dominantclass0 } ifelse (dominant_class) apply1get1_1scr } /dominant_class gridarray1fn 1 index length 1 eq { 1 index 0 get first 1 eq last npts eq grideven and and { pop /CLIST undef } { .gridvalues /CLIST exch def } ifelse } { [ 2 index { .gridvalues } forall ] [ exch { [ exch { cvntos dup type /stringtype ne { s== } if ( ) } forall pop ] concat } forallforall ] /CLIST exch def } ifelse exch 1 exch { .npts mul } forall /valid_max exch def /valid_min 1 def /scale_min valid_min def /scale_max valid_max def /CS scale_min def /CE scale_max def DATA scale_min scale_max RANGE dup /CLIST known { /CLIST CLIST dup type /namearraytype eq { { cvntos } forall CLIST length array astore def } { gridset length 1 ne { { s== } forall CLIST length array astore def } { gridset 0 get exch { cvsunits exch } forall CLIST length dup 3 add exch 2 add -1 mul roll CLIST length array astore def exch .units /CLISTu exch def } ifelse } ifelse /units /ids def } { /units /ids def CE CS sub 10 lt { /CI 1 def } if } ifelse /missing_value 0 def nip 1output :publicproc }
BLD { null 3 1 roll /dodefasvarsilent cvx 4 array astore cvx dup 0 currentobject put dup 1 get exch pdef }
BLD { (inventory) htmlprint }
BLD { continuedataset: dataset: /name /PressureLevel-SF def /long_name (PressureLevel-Smoothed and Filled) def /description (gaussian grid at standard Pressure Levels -- below surface values are filled and then spectrally smoothed which is standard but unwise) def /u { dataset a: .PressureLevel .u [ X Y ] REORDER :a: .hybrid_lev .u Z last VALUE 128 64 tsptogauUV replaceNaN :a 42 gautotspUV 128 64 tsptogauUV } defasvar /v { dataset a: .PressureLevel .v [ X Y ] REORDER :a: .hybrid_lev .v Z last VALUE 128 64 tsptogauUV replaceNaN :a 42 gautotspUV 128 64 tsptogauUV } defasvar /ta { dataset a: .PressureLevel .ta [ X Y ] REORDER extraT :a replaceNaN 42 gautotsp 128 64 tsptogau } defasvar /phi { dataset a: .PressureLevel .phi extraZ :a replaceNaN /missing_value null def 42 gautotsp 128 64 tsptogau } defasvar :dataset :dataset }
BLD { pushallargs pushproc doifstream popproc popallargs }
BLD { 3 /splitstreamgrid publicproc: exch .name cvlit exch 2 array astore cvx splitstreamgridcase 1 object exch /filterargs exch def datasetexec :publicproc }
BLD [ null ]
BLD { counttoobject /RANGE0 /RANGE allstreams1 }
BLD { 1 index null eq { pop pop } { exch 1 index false defdatasetgridsflag astore pop { 2 copy .name known { pop } { name exch dup /plaindim known { pop pop } { def } ifelse true defdatasetgridsflag astore pop } ifelse } forall dataset null eq { pop pop } { dataset exch name exch store exch defdatasetgridsflag 0 get { defdatasetgrids } { pop pop } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse }
BLD CaseList /pendingdatasettype { exec 1 index caseexec } def /datasettype { notyetwritten } def /nonull false def
BLD { 2 array astore cvx defasvarsilent }
BLD { 4 /seasonalfreqGT publicproc: { mystream monrange thold minfrac } inputs mystream a: dataflag T monthlyAverage minfrac flagge 0 maskle :a: thold maskle dataflag T minfrac monthlyAverage a: T (days since 1960-01-01) streamgridunitconvert T differential_mul T :a: .T :a replaceGRID :a mul T monrange 1.0 seasonalAverage monrange (-) search { nip pop } if 0 3 getinterval interp monrange (-) search { nip nip } if 0 3 getinterval interp sub dup 0 ge { 1 add } { 1 add 12 add } ifelse mul /long_name (count) def :publicproc nip }
BLD { foralldatasetsCase 5 object exch dup null eq { pop } { /streamtype exch def } ifelse exch dup null eq { pop } { /datasettypeexit0 exch def } ifelse exch dup null eq { pop } { /datasettype0 exch def } ifelse /myCases 1 index def /==alias /myCases cvx def mycasedefs 1 object /myCases 3 -1 roll def begin startdataset mycaseexec enddataset end }
BLD { currentobject 3 1 roll cvx /dodefasvar cvx 4 array astore cvx dup 1 get exch pdef }
BLD { 5 /flexseasonalnonoverlapDSfreq publicproc: { mystream daterange dslength thold minfrac } inputs mystream a: T daterange minfrac seasonalAverage 0 flagge :a: -999 replaceNaN 0 thold flagrange [ T ] integral dup T dslength shiftGRID [ T ] regridLB sub dslength flagge [ T ] differences 1 flagge T :a: T daterange 0 6 getinterval VALUES T dslength 1 sub shiftGRID .T first cvsunits 0 6 getinterval ( - ) daterange 8 16 getinterval 3 array astore concat nip seasonalAverage T differential_mul T 2 index .T replaceGRID :a mul :publicproc nip }
BLD { counttoobject /SELECTVALUES0 /SELECT allstreams1 }
BLD { 1 index type /arraytype eq not { { } } if 3 1 roll null 3 1 roll cvx /dodefasvarcachesilent cvx 5 array astore cvx dup 1 currentobject put dup 2 get exch pdef }
BLD { (wms) xmlprint }
BLD { Ss .npts ev .npts idiv store M ev .npts store L Ss sv mul todouble [ ev ] REORDER achunk REORDER ndim RECHUNK dup dataflag [ ev ] sum ev .npts flagge 3 index /W getknown { mul } if todouble 3 -1 roll varimax0 5 object /evaln undef /fullname [ /varimax fullname aload pop ] def proclevel 0 get 1 eq { /procargs TaskParameterBlock [ procargs aload pop EPS /store cvx /EPS cvx DELTA /store cvx /DELTA cvx MAXIT /store cvx /MAXIT cvx /:varimax cvx ] nip store } if :publicproc /Ss TaskStreams 0 get chunksize NewDoubleBuffer ev /evrot units gridtype gridvalues NewGRID nip name exch def /ev undef nrdim SetStreamIndex* streamgrids pop evrot * /long_name (rotated structures) def /name /Ss def /dataset 3 index def /fullname [ dataset .fullname aload pop name ] def def /W TaskStreams 1 get /name /W def /long_name (weights) def /dataset 3 index def /fullname [ dataset .fullname aload pop name ] def def /H TaskStreams 0 get TaskParameterBlock .M NewDoubleBuffer nrdim 1 sub SetStreamIndex* TaskStreams 0 get .streamgrids pop * /ev undef /name /H def /long_name (communalities) def /dataset 3 index def /fullname [ dataset .fullname aload pop name ] def def /S STREAM TaskParameterBlock .L NewDoubleBuffer 1 SetStreamIndex* Ss .evrot * /name /S def /long_name (energy) def /dataset 3 index def /fullname [ dataset .fullname aload pop name ] def def /AT STREAM TaskParameterBlock .L dup mul NewDoubleBuffer 2 SetStreamIndex* TaskStreams 0 get .ev Ss .evrot * /name /AT def /long_name (varimax rotation) def /dataset 3 index def /fullname [ dataset .fullname aload pop name ] def def /Ts Ts sv div streamgridarray { name /ev eq { pop } if } forall Ts .ndim 1 sub REORDER AT ev mulsum /dataset 3 index def /name /Ts def /fullname [ dataset .fullname aload pop name ] def def /sv undef }
BLD { false 1 index DATASETbot ==noprintdataset { ifvarcase caseexec } forsome }
BLD tableobject
BLD { counttoobject dup 1 eq { pop ev exch 1 exch RANGE } { pop ev 3 1 roll RANGE } ifelse varimax: :varimax }
BLD { currentobject 3 1 roll cvx /dodefasvarKeepRestrictions cvx 4 array astore cvx dup 1 get exch pdef }
BLD { { /meansq0 (mean sq) apply1get1_complementgrids } /meansqover gridarray1fn }
BLD { exch removeextrausingDS 1 index last dup subgrid name exch def last 3 index exec dup totype /arraytype eq { codedstringtostream nip } if nip dup totype /streamtype eq { getrealization } if nip nip }
BLD { 2 /poestudnt publicproc: { A dof } inputs dof type /objecttype eq { A dof 2 array astore { todouble toNaN8 } forall 1 index 0.0 mul add 1 index .chunksize 1 integerarray astore poestudntdof0 } { A todouble toNaN8 chunksize dof 2 integerarray astore poestudnt0 } ifelse TaskStreams 0 get TaskParameterBlock 0 get NewBuffer /fullname [ /poestudnt A .fullname ] def 1output :publicproc }
BLD { WWWinfo .url-q (") rsearch pop pop pop redirectto }
BLD { 1347990070 set_code_last_modified 2 index totype /arraytype eq not { 1 index xcheck { [ ] exch } { { getcptvars } 3 1 roll } ifelse } if { mydataset varproc sgrids tgrids } inputs /==alias /cptargs def /cptargs 1 index def /auxdata [ ] def tgrids length 0 gt { tgrids 0 get totype /streamtype eq { /time tgrids 0 get def /tgrids time .streamgridarray def } { /time tgrids 0 get def } ifelse } if mydataset totype /streamtype eq { /mydata [ mydataset ] def } { mydataset [ varproc dup type /arraytype eq { counttomark 2 idiv { REORDER counttomark 1 roll } repeat } if ] nip /mydata exch def } ifelse code_last_modified mydata { getlast_modified? { nip imax } { pop } ifelse } forall mimeheadersetlastmod sgrids length 0 gt { mydata { sgrids REORDER sgrids length 1 gt { sgrids 1 get units /degree_north eq { high low RANGE } { pop } ifelse } if } forall mydata astore pop } if 0 mydata { .ndim imax } forall 3 lt /stationdata? exch def stationdata? { /auxdata [ mydata { units /degree_east eq { /name /X def } if units /degree_north eq { /name /Y def } if ndim 1 gt { pop } if } forall ] def /mydata [ mydata { ndim 1 le { pop } if } forall ] def mydata length 0 eq { /mydata auxdata def /auxdata [ ] def } if } if PS2 exch setplotstream (xmlns:cpt= ) PSprint false mydata { /standard_name known or } forall { (xmlns:cf= ) PSprint } if (cpt:nfields=) PSprint 0 mydata { .nchunk add } forall 1 tgrids { .npts mul } forall idiv s== PSprint ( ) PSprint currentobject /time getknown { (cpt:T) PSprint ( %=CPT[) name cvntos (]) 3array astore concat exch dup totype /gridtype eq { 1 array astore } { [ exch streamgrids counttomark -1 roll ] } ifelse codedstringtostream 1 subplot: PSprint :subplot ( ) PSprint } if mydata 0 get mydata length 1 gt { mydata 1 1 index length 1 sub getinterval { 1 index .nchunk 1 index .nchunk gt stationdata? not { 1 index .nchunk 1 gt and } if { exch } if pop } forall } if stationdata? { ndim 1 gt { 2 RECHUNK } { 1 RECHUNK } ifelse } if nchunk 1 gt { plotstreamflush achunk array astore beginPlotLoop } if 1 subplot: mark mydata { streamrescaleonlyifnecessary nrdim 0 eq { stationdata? { 1 RECHUNK null tgrids 0 get } if } { chunk 1 eq { stationdata? { exch 2 RECHUNK exch tgrids 0 get } { null } ifelse } if } ifelse [ (cpt:field=) counttomark 3 add index .name cvntos stationdata? not { counttomark 3 add index .achunk array astore { get_units timeunits? nip { .name cvntos (, cpt:) exch (=%=CPT[) 1 index (]) } { .name cvntos (, cpt:) exch (=%=[) 1 index (]) } ifelse } forall } if (, cpt:nrow=) counttomark 1 add index dup null eq { pop 1 } { .npts } ifelse s== (, cpt:ncol=) counttomark 2 add index dup null eq { pop 1 } { .npts } ifelse s== (, cpt:row=) counttomark 1 add index .name cvntos counttomark 1 add index null eq not { (, cpt:col=) stationdata? { auxdata length 0 eq (index) (station) ifelse } { counttomark 2 add index .name cvntos } ifelse } if counttomark 3 add index /units getknown { cvntos (, cpt:units=) exch } if counttomark 3 add index /standard_name getknown { cvntos (, cf:standard_name=) exch } if counttomark 3 add index .getmissing_value? { s== (, cpt:missing=) exch } if cptargs /time getknown { dup totype /streamtype eq { (, cpt:T=%=CPT[) exch .name cvntos (]) } { pop } ifelse } if ( ) counttomark 2 add index null eq { ( ) counttomark 3 add index .name cvntos ( ) } if ] concat 3 index .achunk cptargs /time getknown { dup totype /streamtype eq { exch 1 add array astore } { pop array astore } ifelse } { array astore } ifelse codedstringtostream 1 index null eq { nip } if dup PSprint counttomark 2 sub index dup null eq { pop } { (%=CPT[) name cvntos (]) 3array astore concat exch 1 array astore codedstringtostream ( %s) sprintf 1 subplot: PSprint :subplot ( ) PSprint auxdata { (cpt:) PSprint name cvntos PSprint (%=CPT[) name cvntos (]) 3array astore concat exch [ exch streamgrids exch ] codedstringtostream ( %s) sprintf 1 subplot: PSprint :subplot ( ) PSprint } forall } ifelse stationdata? not { counttomark subplot: } if counttomark 3 eq { time 0 RECHUNK exch } if exch (%=CPT[) name cvntos (]) 3array astore concat exch .streamgridarray 0 1 getinterval codedstringtostream 1 RECHUNK exch plotstream counttomark matchachunk 3 index null eq { 4 -1 roll pop 3 index .name 4 1 roll } if 4 index psS new setPS 4 index .bufferwordsize store nwordsize chunk 2 eq { .npts store ny .npts } { .npts store ny 1 } ifelse store nx nip cptv10types 6 index datatype nip getknown { exec } { (Not supported datatype) } ifelse lastinputisnextplotstream stationdata? not { :subplot } if } forall pop PSclose plotstream plotloop { 0 SetStreamIndex* loopStream .streamgrids * endLoop } if realize pop pop pop }
BLD 0 47 object /objecttype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /htmlprinttype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /gridtype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /xmlfiletype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /linktype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /booleantype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /nametype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /messagetype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /figobjecttype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /realtype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /realarraytype { cptv10tsv0r4 } def /namearraytype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /shortarraytype { 6 -1 roll toi4 6 1 roll cptv10tsv0i4 } def /datasettype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /giffiletype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /integertype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /arraytype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /streamtype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /htmlfiletype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /jpegfiletype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /pendingdatasettype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /bytearraytype { 6 -1 roll toi4 6 1 roll cptv10tsv0i4 } def /stringtype { 6 -1 roll toi4 6 1 roll cptv10tsv0i4 } def /imageobjecttype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /figviewtype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /nulltype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /marktype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /operatortype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /geometrytype { (not ready for datatype) error } def /integerarraytype { cptv10tsv0i4 } def /doublearraytype { cptv10tsv0r8 } def
BLD CaseListpops2 /gridtype { pop pop pop true leave } def
BLD FilterSet /streamtype { 3 -1 roll decompress 3 1 roll 2 index 2 index .name getknown { exec 3 -1 roll pop exch 2 index .getmissing_value null eq { pop newmonthlyAverage0 } { 3 1 roll 1 index 0 replaceNaN 1 index newmonthlyAverage0 3 1 roll exch dataflag exch newmonthlyAverage0 3 -1 roll normalize } ifelse } { pop pop } ifelse } def /gridtype { pop 1 index .name 1 index .name eq { pop monthlyedgesgrid partialgrid monthtimegrid } { pop } ifelse } def
BLD { foralldatasetsCase 5 object exch dup null eq { pop } { /gridtype exch def } ifelse exch dup null eq { pop } { /streamtype exch def } ifelse exch dup null eq { pop } { /datasettypeexit0 exch def } ifelse exch dup null eq { pop } { /datasettype0 exch def } ifelse /myCases 1 index def /==alias /myCases cvx def mycasedefs 1 object /myCases 3 -1 roll def begin startdataset mycaseexec enddataset end }
BLD { rootmeansq }
BLD { (dataselection) htmlprint }
BLD { 4 /butt_filter: publicproc: buttparams buttS new (lp) store ft 2 index store w2 0.7 store flat 0.7 store att 2 store ford }
BLD { dup type /objecttype eq { dup .from exch .to RANGE } { 1 { VALUE0 } /VALUE allstreams1 } ifelse }
BLD { (downloadsNCL) htmlprint }
BLD { exch npts 2 le { nip } { removeextrausingDS 1 index last dup subgrid name exch def last 3 index exec dup totype /arraytype eq { codedstringtostream nip } if nip dup totype /streamtype eq { getrealization } if dup remotefileexistssetlastmod? { pop nip } { pop dup /myintegralgrid getknown { first secondtolast subgrid exch first secondtolast subgrid exch /myintegralgrid exch def } { first secondtolast subgrid } ifelse exch remoteremoveextrausing0 } ifelse } ifelse }
BLD { gridarray1hold astore pop dup type dup /realtype eq exch /integertype eq or not { 0.0 } if 1 index type /objecttype eq { emptyarray exch } if 1 gridarray1hold aload pop allstreams1 }
BLD { mark 1 index .allnames counttomark namearray astore nip cvnatoslurl }
BLD { table: }
BLD { get_scale_min number? { getscale_factor mul getadd_offset add } if }
BLD { (missingfiles) htmlprint }
BLD { dup type /nametype eq { 2 index totype /gridtype eq { 5 } { 3 } ifelse } { 1 index totype /gridtype eq { 4 } { 2 } ifelse } ifelse /BOXEDGES publicproc: dup type /nametype eq { parameter } if dup totype /stringtype eq { geoobject } if dup totype /streamtype eq { geoboundingbox } if 1 index totype /gridtype ne { exch getXY? not { (no spatial grids) error } if 4 -1 roll } if { datastream mabs mord mybbox } inputs /outbbox mybbox def mybbox length 5 ge { datastream getCRS nip mybbox 4 get eq not { mybbox datastream getCRS exch .getX .units projectbbox /outbbox exch def } if } if datastream mabs null ne { mabs outbbox 0 get outbbox 2 get RANGEEDGES } if mord null ne { mord outbbox 1 get outbbox 3 get RANGEEDGES } if 1output :publicproc }
BLD { currentobject 3 1 roll cvx /dodefasvarsilentKeepRestrictions cvx 4 array astore cvx dup 1 get exch pdef }
BLD FilterSet /streamtype { 2 index 2 index known { exch cvx exec exch shiftGRID0 } { pop pop } ifelse } def /gridtype { 2 index .name 2 index eq { nip shiftGRIDgrid nip } { pop pop } ifelse } def
BLD { 4 /seasonalfreqLT publicproc: { mystream monrange thold minfrac } inputs mystream a: dataflag T monthlyAverage minfrac flagge 0 maskle :a: thold maskge dataflag T minfrac monthlyAverage a: T (days since 1960-01-01) streamgridunitconvert T differential_mul T :a: .T :a replaceGRID :a mul T monrange 1.0 seasonalAverage monrange (-) search { nip pop } if 0 3 getinterval interp monrange (-) search { nip nip } if 0 3 getinterval interp sub dup 0 ge { 1 add } { 1 add 12 add } ifelse mul :publicproc nip }
BLD { gridarray1hold astore pop dup type /objecttype eq { emptyarray exch } if 0 gridarray1hold aload pop allstreams1 }
BLD { dup totype /figviewtype eq }
BLD { 2 array astore cvx nopdefasvarsilent }
BLD { { complementgridarray { maxfnof0 maxfnof0dp } (max) apply1get1nocount } /maxover gridarray1fn }
BLD { foralldatasetsCase 5 object exch dup null eq { pop } { /streamtype exch def } ifelse exch dup null eq { pop } { /datasettype exch def } ifelse /myCases 1 index def /==alias /myCases cvx def exch startdataset mycaseexec enddataset pop }
BLD FilterSet /streamtype { currentobject 2 index known { exch cvx exec exch splitstreamgridstream } { pop pop } ifelse } def /gridtype { pop pop } def
BLD { exch npts 2 le { nip } { removeextrausingDS 1 index last dup subgrid name exch def last 3 index exec dup totype /arraytype eq { codedstringtostream nip } if nip dup totype /streamtype eq { getrealization } if dup fileexists? { deflastmod nip } { pop dup /myintegralgrid getknown { first secondtolast subgrid exch first secondtolast subgrid exch /myintegralgrid exch def } { first secondtolast subgrid } ifelse exch removeextrausing0 } ifelse } ifelse }
BLD 0 11 object /buttS buttS def /flatness { store flat } def /freqCut2 { store w2 } def /attenuation { store att } def /filterType { store ft } def /forder { store ford } def
BLD { rootmeansqanom }
BLD { dup type /nametype eq { gridnobyname nip 0 ne } { dup totype /datasettype eq { exch .relativename pknown } { false exch { 2 index exch gridnobyname 0 ne nip or } forall nip } ifelse } ifelse }
BLD { svd-part1 gappy-data? { dup /history known not { /history null def } if history exch eval 0 maskle SELECT exch /history exch def history null eq { /history undef } if } if proclevel 0 get 1 eq { /procargs [ procargs aload pop gappy-data? { /gappy-data cvx } if spatial-mean? { /spatial-mean cvx } if temporal-mean? { /temporal-mean cvx } if /:svd cvx ] store } if svd-part2 :publicproc svd-part3 }
BLD { (dodsdatasets) htmlprint }
BLD FilterSet /streamtype { boxAveragedoarg 1 index boxgrids allknown { /boxgrids 2 index [ boxgrids { currentobject exch get } forall ] nip def 0 1 boxgrids length 1 sub { boxgrids 1 index get exch boxargs exch get ChangeGridStep name exch def } for exch boxgrids 1 index totype /gridtype eq { 1 index 1 index 0 get eq { pop .name exec } { pop } ifelse } { exch decompress exch boxargs dup length 1 sub get regridAverageSP toreal } ifelse nip } { pop } ifelse } def /gridtype { boxAveragedoarg 1 index .name boxgrids anymatch { 0 1 boxgrids length 1 sub { boxgrids 1 index get name eq { boxargs exch get nip ChangeGridStep leave } { pop } ifelse } for } { pop } ifelse } def
BLD { 2 index totype /arraytype eq { 3 index 3 index 2 { 3 index [ exch { .name } forall ] } repeat 4 /svd publicproc: pop pop pop pop } { 2 index 2 { 2 index [ exch { .name } forall ] } repeat 3 /svd publicproc: pop pop pop } ifelse svdparams svd-part1 svd-part2 :publicproc svd-part3 }
BLD { realorintegertype? not { 0.0 } if 1 index totype /gridtype ne { T exch } if 3 /pentadAverage publicproc: 2 array astore cvx newpentadAverageFS 1 object exch /filterargs exch def datasetexec :publicproc }
BLD FilterSet /streamtype { 3 -1 roll decompress 3 1 roll 2 index 2 index .name getknown { exec 3 -1 roll pop exch 2 index .getmissing_value null eq { pop newpentadAverage0 } { 3 1 roll 1 index 0 replaceNaN 1 index newpentadAverage0 3 1 roll exch dataflag exch newpentadAverage0 3 -1 roll normalize } ifelse } { pop pop } ifelse } def /gridtype { pop 1 index .name 1 index .name eq { pop pentadedgesgrid (pentads since 1961-01-01) gridunitconvert partialgrid } { pop } ifelse } def
BLD { 2 /setmissing_value publicproc: setmissingvalueCase 1 object exch /filterargs exch def datasetexec :publicproc }
BLD { 3 /flexseastotAvgFill publicproc: { mystream daterange minfrac } inputs mystream T daterange minfrac seasonalAverage T differential_mul :publicproc nip }
BLD { counttoobject 1 sub index type /arraytype ne { 3 -1 roll 1 array astore 3 1 roll } if counttoobject 1 sub array astore null 1 index length 5 add object exch /boxargs exch def exch /boxgrids exch cvlit def }
BLD { allgrid dup type /nametype eq { get exec } { dup totype /datasettype eq { exch .relativename pget } { [ exch { counttomark 1 add index exch getknown pop } forall ] nip } ifelse } ifelse }
BLD { (auxinfo) xmlprint }
BLD { appendprep 0 { appendstream } /appenddataset allstreams1 currentfilepattern 0 get -1 ne { /filepattern currentfilepattern 0 get def } if }
BLD { (thredds) xmlprint }
BLD { (datasetdataselection) htmlprint }
BLD { (datasettables) htmlprint }
BLD { (olddatasetsearches) htmlprint }
BLD { (datasethelp) htmlprint }
BLD { (dataset) xmlprint }
BLD { ifSTREAM { STREAM /==do get exec } { longname print html? { ([) print dup length 100 gt { (...) print } { dup DATASETbot ==noprintdatasetshort { ifBUTTON { safeifGRID nip { ==showlinks? { dup cvpops htmlpathpush htmlpath! htmlpathpop } if cvntos (.cdf) search { nip nip } if (.cuf) search { nip nip } if () print print () print ==showlinks? { () print } if ( ) print } { dup cvntos (.html) search { pop pop pop ==showlinks? { () print } if ( ) print } ifelse } { pop pop } ifelse } forsome } ifelse (]) print } { ([) print dup length 100 gt { (...) print } { dup DATASETbot netCDFskip { ifBUTTON { pop cvx == } { pop pop } ifelse } forsome } ifelse (]) print } ifelse } ifelse }
BLD 0 47 object /objecttype { false } def /htmlprinttype { false } def /gridtype { false } def /xmlfiletype { false } def /linktype { false } def /booleantype { false } def /nametype { false } def /messagetype false def /figobjecttype { false } def /realtype { false } def /realarraytype { false } def /namearraytype { false } def /shortarraytype { false } def /datasettype { RestrictMetaData? not } def /giffiletype { false } def /integertype { false } def /arraytype { dup xcheck { dup length 3 eq { dup 2 get /readfilein eq { exec ifBUTTON } { true } ifelse } { dup length 4 eq { dup 3 get /readfileinto eq { exec ifBUTTON } { true } ifelse } { true } ifelse } ifelse } { false } ifelse } def /streamtype { RestrictMetaData? not } def /htmlfiletype { false } def /jpegfiletype { false } def /pendingdatasettype { true } def /stringtype { false } def /imageobjecttype { false } def /figviewtype { false } def /nulltype { false } def /marktype { false } def /operatortype { false } def /geometrytype { false } def /integerarraytype { false } def /doublearraytype { false } def
BLD { dup /ifDATASET known }
BLD { (datasetsearches) htmlprint }
BLD { (dataset) htmlprint }
BLD { (threddsv1) xmlprint }
BLD { ifBUTTONcase caseexec }
BLD { (datasetdatafiles) htmlprint }
adataset DATASET
BLD { dup /index.html known { index.html } { (dataset) htmlprint } ifelse }
BLD { insertdataset0: :insertdataset exch name dataset dup null eq { pop pop pop } { ! } ifelse }
X grid: /X (degree_east) ordered (28.86161E) to (30.88839E) by 0.008928576 N= 228 pts :grid
BLD { (/local/datalib/DataCatalog/entries/Rwanda/RAB/soil/) /index.tex readfilein }
BLD { Rwanda RAB soil[ ] /BLD { bld toNaN BLD_d toNaN appendstream } dodefasvar }
BLD { Rwanda RAB soil[ ] /bld { [ X Y last first subgrid | sl first subgrid ] (/local/datalib/data/rwanda/soil_grid_input_output/Output_script_top_soils/bld.asc) readdatafile: [ 6 0 ] r*4asblank :readdatafile Y last first RANGE /missing_value [ -9999.0 0 ] def /scale_factor 0.001 def /units (g/cm3) def /long_name (Bulk density) def } dodefasvarsilent }
BLD { Rwanda RAB soil[ ] /TAW60 { AWC BLD mul grid: /name /sl def /long_name (Soil layers) def /units /cm def values: 0 10 20 40 80 120 280 :values :grid 0.0 add 60.0 min /name /depth def sl differences mul [ sl ] sum c: 1.0 /units (g/cm3) def :c div DATA 0 AUTO RANGE /long_name (Total Available Water) def } dodefasvar }
BLD [ /Rwanda /RAB /soil ]
Y grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (2.84375S) to (1.058036S) by 0.008928572 N= 201 pts :grid
sl grid: /sl (cm) ordered [ (5.0) (15.0) (30.0) (60.0) (100.0) (200.0)] :grid
BLD_d [ X Y sl |]
BLD 1584453122
RAB Rwanda RAB[ ]
BLD { Rwanda RAB soil[ ] /AWC_ts { [ X Y last first subgrid | sl first subgrid ] (/local/datalib/data/rwanda/soil_grid_input_output/Output_script_top_soils/AWC_topsoil.asc) readdatafile: [ 6 0 ] r*4asblank :readdatafile Y last first RANGE /missing_value -9999.0 def /scale_factor 0.01 def /units /unitless def /long_name (Top soil Available soil water capcity) def prcp_0to1000_colors DATA 0 0.2 RANGE } dodefasvarsilent }
AWC_d [ X Y sl |]
BLD { Rwanda RAB soil[ ] /AWC { AWC_ts toNaN AWC_d toNaN appendstream /long_name (Available soil water capcity) def } dodefasvar }
BLD soil
Show Current Objects